The role of producer services in the exportation process: the case of Denizli as an industrial district

Ertok, Bahadır


The Relationship between upper and lower tier municipalities in urban planning: the case of İstanbul metropolitan municipality and Büyükcekmece municipality
İçyüz, İlke; Balaban, Osman; Department of City and Regional Planning (2014)
Spatial planning is one of the most important tools to reach national development targets. Besides, planning is also a key tool to improve the quality of life in cities as well as to achieve urban development targets. However, an effective urban planning system that shapes and guides actual urban development is missing in Turkey. This is mainly due to the structure of current urban planning system which results in clash of authorities and responsibilities among public agencies. The urban planning legislatio...
The Role of parliaments in the semi-presidential systems: the case of the federal assembly of Russia
Arabacı Kariman, Rabia; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık; Department of Eurasian Studies (2019)
The purpose of this thesis is to scrutinize the role and status of the Federal Assembly of Russia within the context of the semi-presidential system in the Russian Federation. Parliaments as a body incorporating the representative and legislative functions of the state are of critical importance to the development and stability of democracy in a working constitutional system. Since the legislative power cannot be thought separate from the political system in which it works, semi-presidentialism practices of...
The Role of Turkish Schools in the Educational System and Social Transformation of Central Asian Countries: The Case of Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan
Engin Demir, Cennet; Akkök, Füsun (2000-01-01)
The role of local and global networking for tourism firms and clusters : the case of Antalya
Erkuş Öztürk, Hilal; Eraydın, Ayda; Department of City and Regional Planning (2008)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the role of local and global networking, institutionalization and institutional thickness of tourism firms and clusters in order to explain their contribution to tourism development. Recent development literature emphasizes the crucial role of different level of networks, institutionalizations and clustering in the development of regions. In this respect, this thesis tries to explore the role of networks, new organizational set-ups and clustering by adapting them to tour...
The influence of design considerations of metro stations in the context of city identity: the case of ankaray and ankara metro
Güneş, Serkan; Barlas, Mehmet Adnan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2007)
The theoretical structure of the study is composed of understanding the life cycle of metro system classified in three evolutionary phases. These process definitions respectively start with demand related to metro, continue with the acceptance of metro as the preferential alternative by inhabitants and end with the subway that embedded as an important reason that build city identity. Phases will be studied through its motives and will be analyzed through physical design considerations. The reason of the pre...
Citation Formats
B. Ertok, “ The role of producer services in the exportation process: the case of Denizli as an industrial district,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.