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A Qualitative study of peer observation of teaching as a job-embedded professional development tool
Çağlar, Elif
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This study aimed to explore (a) how “Peer Observation of Teaching Process” is conducted in a higher education institution in Central Turkey, (b) observees’ perceptions of this operation and (c) possible problems that may emerge during the process. Moreover, another objective of the study is to propose solutions to these possible problems that may arise. In order to achieve these goals, a qualitative case study was conducted. The data were gathered through reflection diaries and interviews. The reflection diaries, pre and post observation, were written by the instructors at pre-determined dates and the interviews were carried out with the instructors after the observations were completed. The head of the Professional Development Unit and the Coordinator and the Teaching Unit Heads were also interviewed. The data were gathered periodically over the duration of an observation cycle and were analyzed by content analysis (coding and identifying and interpreting themes that arose interim). The results revealed that POT was desirable, but there were some problems pertaining to the procedure, including voluntariness, forming peer cycles, training, controlling the process and timing. The results also indicated that if the implementation of POT was changed, the process would be more effective. Therefore, the results were discussed along with these problems and a suggested model was presented for POT for future implementations. It was recommended that POT be improved implementing the suggested method and the ideas of the students during the POT be investigated in further studies.
Subject Keywords
English teachers
Peer review.
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
E. Çağlar, “A Qualitative study of peer observation of teaching as a job-embedded professional development tool,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2013.