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A City transformed: war, demographic change and profiteering in kayseri (1915-1920)
Gözel Durmaz, Oya
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One of the foundational origins of the Turkish Republic was the drastic change in the demographic composition of Anatolia following the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 and World War I. This change was a result of factors such as the deportation of Armenians, the exchange of populations between Turkey and Greece and the high number of deaths in successive wars. All of them greatly altered the composition of the population. The change in the demographic composition of Turkey corresponded to a significant era in Turkish history: the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of the Turkish Republic as a nation state. Thus, this process of demographic transformation became significant in the socio-economic foundation of the new Republic. The present study aims to analyze the socio-economic impacts of this demographic change, especially Armenian deportation, on the sanjak of Kayseri. In this respect, it starts with an assumption that the characteristics of the local forces had a decisive role in the development of the process in the localities. The basic questions that this dissertation addresses are: How were the population policies of the Ottoman government, especially Armenian deportation, implemented in Kayseri? To what extent the local dynamics and factors, like the social and economic features of the city, and the character of the governors, shaped the execution of these policies? Finally what were the implications of this demographic transformation on the social and economic life of the inhabitants of Kayseri?
Subject Keywords
Muslim converts
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
O. Gözel Durmaz, “A City transformed: war, demographic change and profiteering in kayseri (1915-1920),” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2014.