Implementation of an underwater acoustic FSK system and investigation of the effects of surface reflections /

Şentürk, Oktay
Underwater acoustic communication is a growing research area since it has many military and commercial applications. There are lots of difficulties in underwater acoustic communication such as surface reflection, multipath and fading. An FSK communication system is implemented on FPGA. The system is tested and verified in underwater environment. Surface reflections are the major problem encountered during these tests. The effects of surface reflections to the underwater communication are investigated in detail. It is showed that surface reflections cause bit errors by generating the intersymbol interference (ISI).


Underwater channel modeling for sonar applications
Epçaçan, Erdal; Çiloğlu, Tolga; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2011)
Underwater acoustic channel models have been studied in the context of communication and sonar applications. Acoustic propagation channel in an underwater environment exhibits multipath, time-variability and Doppler e ects. In this thesis, multipath fading channel models, underwater physical properties and sound propagation characteristics are studied. An underwater channel model for sonar applications is proposed. In the proposed model, the physical characteristics of underwater environment are considered ...
Topology Control Vector Based Forwarding Algorithm for Underwater Acoustic Networks
Yazgi, Ilkay; Baykal, Buyurman (2016-05-19)
The communication range of underwater acoustic networks (UAN) is limited by the properties of underwater environment. Especially, the networks including small number of nodes have communication problems for long ranges. To challenge this problem, topology control in UAN is a promising solution. In this study, Topology Control Vector Based Forwarding Algorithm (TC-VBF) is proposed. The TC-VBF uses nodes' position to determine the forwarding vector. In this work, the TC-VBF is evaluated comparatively with alt...
Topology control vector based forwarding algorithm for underwater acoustic networks
Yazgı, İlkay; Baykal, Buyurman; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2015)
The communication range of underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASN) is limited by the underwater environment. Acoustic networks with huge number of sensors may have long communication range with appropriate protocols in literature. On the other hand, especially, the networks including small number of nodes have communication problems for long ranges. To challenge this problem, topology control in underwater acoustic networks is a promising solution. In this study, a novel approach, Topology Control Vector...
Investigation of Simulated Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Buried Objects Using Quadratic Time-Frequency Transformations
DOĞAN, MESUT; Sayan, Gönül (2017-07-14)
Sub-surface sensing is a challenging area of research that highly benefits from the use of ultra-wideband ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology. Detection and classification of buried objects with reduced false alarm rates is still open to improvements. Use of joint temporal and spectral target features obtained from electromagnetic GPR signals using time-frequency representation (TFR) methods is highly promising because TFRs provide detailed information about the energy distribution of GPR signals over...
A comparative analysis of matched field processors for underwater acoustic source localization
Sarıkaya, Tevfik Bahadır; Çiloğlu, Tolga; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2010)
In this thesis, localization of the underwater sound sources using matched field processing technique is considered. Localization of the underwater sound sources is one of the most important problems encountered in underwater acoustics and signal processing. Many techniques were developed to localize sources in range, depth and bearing angle. However, most of these techniques do not consider or only slightly takes into account the environmental factors that dramatically effect the propagation of underwater ...
Citation Formats
O. Şentürk, “Implementation of an underwater acoustic FSK system and investigation of the effects of surface reflections /,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2014.