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Work discipline compound personality scale development with item response theory
Gültaş, Mehmet
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The Big Five personality factors differentially relate to various organizational criteria. The most notable characteristic of personality scales while used in prediction is that they are criteria dependent. Nevertheless, even the predictive power of the most promising of the factors (i.e., conscientiousness) varies across occupations and situations. Increasing the specificity of a measurement instrument by designing the instrument considering criterion-relevant facet-level behaviors has been shown to improve prediction. In this study I developed a compound scale that uses facet level constructs of the Five Factor Model (FFM). By using an empirical and rational match between predictors and criteria, predictive power of the scale is expected to be better than conventional FFM factors. In the development of this compound scale, first the literature was reviewed to identify the personality facets that predict work behavior/performance. Indicator items of these facets were obtained from the International Personality Item Pool. Items were put to empirical analysis based on Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) in order to fine-tune the instrument by identifying the best items. The compound scale correlation with task performance was larger than the BFI factor compound. Herein, the proposed study will contribute to the literature on facet-based compound scales and the IRT applications in personality scale development.
Subject Keywords
Personality tests.
Item response theory.
Psychological tests.
Psychology M.S. thesis
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
M. Gültaş, “Work discipline compound personality scale development with item response theory,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2014.