Migration-security nexus in the european union through copenhagen school’s conceptualization of security: France and the United Kingdom as case studies /

Özmen, Özge
This study analyses the securitization of migration in the EU. To understand the current debate on the migration policy at the EU and the national level, there is a need to investigate how migration has turned into a security issue. Hence, this study examines the securitization theory of the Copenhagen School building on security-migration linkage. The analysis of the post-September 11 period including the 2004 Madrid and the 2005 London attacks examines how migration-security linkage has been formulated through picking the member states; France and the UK as case studies. This analysis enables to investigate how France and the UK relying on the manpower from their former colonies to strengthen their devastated economies in the post-Second World War period developed a security understanding towards migration. The researcher seeks an answer as to how the migration agenda of the EU and France and the UK is shaped by the political arguments. The research shows there is a tendency to construct migration as a security issue at the EU and national level. The research presented reveals; however, that securitization did not considerably emerge after the infamous attacks on the US and on European soil. This leads to the conclusion that securitization concept is not entirely new but feeling of insecurity towards migrants has been escalated with the terrorist attacks. It has become almost unthinkable to refer to the fight against terrorism without special reference to the threats posed by migration.


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Citation Formats
Ö. Özmen, “Migration-security nexus in the european union through copenhagen school’s conceptualization of security: France and the United Kingdom as case studies /,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2014.