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Sexual knowledge, sexual experiences and views on sexuality education among adults with visual disabilities
Döner, Hilal
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The present study aims to explore sexual knowledge, sexual experiences, and views on sexuality education among adults with visual disabilities. For this purpose, a phenomenological research was conducted with 18 adults with visual disabilities (10 male, 8 female) aged between 20 and 42 through semi-structured interviews. The interview schedule was developed based on the current literature, and reviewed by experts, and thematic analysis method was utilized as data analysis method. The findings of the study demonstrated that participants evaluated their level of sexual knowledge either sufficient or partially sufficient. Sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse positions, STDs, body characteristics including sexual organs, contraception, fertilization, birth, masturbation, orgasm and oral/anal sex emerged as topics that participants needed further information. Results showed that mass media, experiential learning, and friends were among the main sources of sexual knowledge. Results regarding sexual experiences indicated that participants faced with different kinds of discrimination in terms of sexuality and sexual relationships, including discrimination based on visual disability, desexualization, and receiving disquieting questions regarding visual disability and sexuality. With regard to sexually appealing characteristics, findings suggested that tone of voice, smell, speech/diction, and skin were among the sexually appealing characteristics for the participants. Considering views on sexuality education, participants evaluated previous sexuality education experiences as mostly insufficient in terms of the content, materials, and accessibility. Results also suggested that participants would like to receive comprehensive sexuality education which addresses issues including human development, sexual health, sexual behavior, sexual relationships, and individual needs.
Subject Keywords
People with visual disabilities.
People with visual disabilities
People with visual disabilities
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
H. Döner, “Sexual knowledge, sexual experiences and views on sexuality education among adults with visual disabilities,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2015.