Generation of Turkish surface form from a morphemic lexicon

Karagöl-Ayan, Burcu


Generation of the bathymetry of a eutrophic shallow lake using WorldView-2 imagery
YÜZÜGÜLLÜ, ONUR; Aksoy, Ayşegül (IWA Publishing, 2014-01-01)
In this study, water depth distribution (bathymetric map) in a eutrophic shallow lake was determined using a WorldView-2 multispectral satellite image. Lake Eymir in Ankara (Turkey) was the study site. In order to generate the bathymetric map of the lake, image and data processing, and modelling were applied. First, the bands that would be used in depth prediction models were determined through statistical and multicollinearity analyses. Then, data screening was performed based on the standard deviation of ...
Generation of fragility curves for Turkish masonry buildings considering in-plane failure modes
Erberik, Murat Altuğ (2008-03-01)
This study focuses on the seismic safety evaluation of masonry buildings in Turkey for in-plane failure modes using fragility curves. Masonry buildings are classified and a set of fragility curves are generated for each class. The major structural parameters in the classification of masonry buildings are considered as the number of stories, load-bearing wall material, regularity in plan and the arrangement of walls (required length, openings in walls, etc.), in accordance with the observations from previous...
Identification of phenolic constituents from Turkish A-hippocastanum by RP-HPLC
Ozdogan, N.; Çoruh, Nursen (2013-07-01)
Detection of Unreliable measurements in long term time series via data mining techniques case in Turkish climate data
Yazıcı, Ceyda; Purutçuoğlu Gazi, Vilda; Yozgatlıgil, Ceylan; İyigün, Cem; Batmaz, İnci (2013-06-28)
Güneşdoğdu, Ali Nuri; Şahin, Erol; Acartürk, Cengiz; Department of Computer Engineering (2022-8-31)
Collaborative robots, a.k.a cobots, are industrial robotic manipulators that have no built-in capabilities for social human-robot interaction (HRI). In the thesis, we implemented breathing for a cobot as a social behavior inspired by the secondary action animation principle. We automatically generated breathing of a cobot as HRI behavior with its waveform borrowed from human breathing; its amplitude and frequency are parametrized. We conducted a user study to measure the effect of parameters of breathing b...
Citation Formats
B. Karagöl-Ayan, “Generation of Turkish surface form from a morphemic lexicon,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.