Identification of phenolic constituents from Turkish A-hippocastanum by RP-HPLC

Ozdogan, N.
Çoruh, Nursen


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Identification of differentially expressed transcripts from leaves of the boron tolerant plant Gypsophila perfoliata L.
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Very recently some of the species of Gypsophila genus collected from the boron rich soils in Turkey were shown to be remarkably tolerant to high levels of boron. A limited amount of boron is necessary for the normal development of plants; however, a high level of boron in soil is generally toxic. Nevertheless, the adaptability of plant species allows them to withstand the presence of extreme amounts of metal ion by various strategies. This study is conducted on highly boron tolerant Gypsophila perfoliata L....
Identification of R Plasmids of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from clinical sources by recombinant DNA techniques
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The R-plasmids, which transfer resistance to p. aeruginosa strains agaiiıst generally used antibiotics in the treatmet of the infections caıısed by this gram (-) bacteria were investigated. The P. aeruginosa samples used in this study were isolat-ed from the clinical cases of Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GATA), such as throat, ear and urinary tract infections. Those clinical specimens of P. aeruginosa were tested far their sensitivities to fourteen different antibiotics that are used against P. aeurigo...
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Identification of the new immunogenic proteins of bordetella pertussis by immunoproteomics
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The genus Bordetella contains several pathogenic species generally associated with upper respiratory tract infections in warm-blooded animals. Bordetella pertussis is the etiologic agent of whooping cough. Whooping cough is presently one of the ten most common causes of death from infectious diseases and reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to cause 50 million cases and 350000 deaths worldwide per year, mainly among unvaccinated individuals in poor countries. The term proteome, in analogy to the ...
Citation Formats
N. Ozdogan and N. Çoruh, “Identification of phenolic constituents from Turkish A-hippocastanum by RP-HPLC,” 2013, vol. 280, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: