High efficiency ZVZCS full bridge converter for medium power low input voltage applications

Çetin, Alper


High performance CMOS capacitive interface circuits for MEMS gyroscopes
Silay, Kanber Mithat; Akar, Tayfun; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2006)
This thesis reports the development and analysis of high performance CMOS readout electronics for increasing the performance of MEMS gyroscopes developed at Middle East Technical University (METU). These readout electronics are based on unity gain buffers implemented with source followers. High impedance node biasing problem present in capacitive interfaces is solved with the implementation of a transistor operating in the subthreshold region. A generalized fully differential gyroscope model with force feed...
High performance closed-loop analog readout circuit for capacitive MEMS accelerometers
Terzioğlu, Yunus; Akın, Tayfun; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2015)
In this thesis, a closed-loop analog readout circuit for capacitive MEMS accelerometers is introduced. The detailed analysis of the dynamics of the proposed accelerometer is presented along with the associated simulation models. The theoretical investigation of each building block of the accelerometer is also presented in detail and supported by the corresponding formulas. The implemented accelerometer is shown to satisfy the estimated performance parameters with measurements conducted using various test se...
High Efficiency Loop Sleeve Monopole Antenna for Array Based UWB Microwave Imaging Systems
Ojaroudi, Mohammad; Aydın Çivi, Hatice Özlem (2016-07-01)
A novel printed monopole antenna for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications based on loop sleeve structure in the ground plane is presented. The proposed antenna consists of a rectangular radiating patch, a circular-shaped tapered feed line, and a pair of loop sleeves in ground plane which provides a wide usable fractional bandwidth of more than 100% (3.19-11.03 GHz). Two rectangular loops are inserted on the ground plane's corners, hence additional resonance is excited and much wider impedance bandwidth is prod...
High performance current control methods for voltage source converters with saturable inductors
Özkan, Ziy; Hava, Ahmet Masum; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2019)
Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Voltage-Source Converters (VSCs) are the building blocks of today’s power electronics technology for grid-connected systems. In PWM-VSC systems, utilization of filter inductors with deep saturation characteristics is often advantageous due to improved size, cost, and efficiency. However, with the inclusion of saturable inductors, current control dynamics become nonlinear. The utilization of conventional linear current regulation methods in such nonlinear systems results in signif...
High performance HgCdTe photodetector desings via dark current suppression
Özer, Yiğit; Kocaman, Serdar; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2018)
This thesis work covers the numerical analysis and design of infrared photon detectors with a focus of HgCdTe based devices. An in-house numerical tool is utilized for the design and characterization process, where the Poisson, current and continuity equations are solved numerically with the high precision in electrical and optical properties. A high operating temperature alternative substrate mid-wave HgCdTe detector is designed benefiting from the generation-recombination dark current suppression. The adv...
Citation Formats
A. Çetin, “High efficiency ZVZCS full bridge converter for medium power low input voltage applications,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.