Identification of quantitative trait loci influencing annual height- and diameter-increment growth in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.)

Kaya, Zeki
Neale, D. B.
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for annual height- and diameter-increment growth were estimated in each of two three-generation loblolly pine pedigrees. Annual height-increment was measured in three consecutive years in the BASE pedigree and in four consecutive years in the QTL pedigree. Annual diameter-increment was measured only in the QTL pedigree for two consecutive years. An interval mapping-approach was used to estimate the number of QTLs, the magnitude of QTL effects, and their position on genetic linkage maps. Thirteen different height-increment and eight different diameter-increment QTLs were detected. suggesting that the these traits are, at least in part, controlled by a few genes of large effect. Little evidence was found for the expression of individual QTLs in multiple years or in multiple genetic backgrounds. These results were discussed in terms of the power of the experiment and their consequences for marker-assisted breeding.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics


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Citation Formats
Z. Kaya and D. B. Neale, “Identification of quantitative trait loci influencing annual height- and diameter-increment growth in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.),” Theoretical and Applied Genetics, pp. 586–592, 1999, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: