Welding Technology and Nondestructive Testing Research and Application Center (KTTMM), Article

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Entity Type
Publication (14)

Has File(s)
No (12)
Yes (2)

Tirkeş, Süha (8)
Gür, Cemil Hakan (6)
Batıgün, Caner (4)
Yurtışık, Koray (3)
Önal, Ahmet Muhtar (3)

Analytical Chemistry (2)
Electrochemistry (2)
General Chemical Engineering (2)
Magnetic barkhausen noise (2)
Mechanical Engineering (2)

Date Issued
2004 - 2009 (4)
2010 - 2019 (7)
2020 - 2024 (3)

Item Type
Journal Article (14)

Recent Submissions

Influence of Shielding Gas on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Duplex Stainless Steel in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Akbarzadeh, Elina; Yurtışık, Koray; Hakan Gür, C.; Saeid, Tohid; Tavangar, Reza (2024-01-01)
This study investigates the influence of the shielding gas composition on the microstructural and mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufactured duplex stainless steel. The choice of shielding gas influences the q...
Investigating the Effects of CoMoCrSi Powder Composition and Particle Size, and Annealing Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical and Tribological Performance of HVOF Sprayed Coatings
Ertürk, Murat Tolga; Tirkeş, Süha; Gür, Cemil Hakan (2024-1-01)
An investigation was conducted to analyze the mechanical properties, wear behavior, and microstructure of coatings formed by high-velocity oxygen fuel spraying of CoMoCrSi powders. The effects of varying Cr concentration a...
Contribution of surface silanization process on mechanical characteristics of TPU-based composites involving feldspar and quartz minerals
Bouzmane, Hajar; Tirkeş, Süha; Yilmaz, Volkan Murat; Tayfun, Umit; TİRKEŞ, SEHA (2022-09-01)
In this study, quartz and feldspar powders were surface treated using a silane coupling agent to achieve a more compatible mineral surface with the polymer matrix. Details of surface characteristics of minerals were examin...
Investigating the effects of subsequent weld passes on surface residual stresses in steel weld merits by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise technique
Gür, Cemil Hakan; Batıgün, Caner; Çam, İbrahim (American Society of Nondestructive Testing, 2016-03-01)
Numerical and Experimental Determination of the Residual Stress State in Multipass Welded API 5L X70 Plates
Garipova, Nuriya; Batıgün, Caner; Gür, Cemil Hakan (2014-01-01)
Residual stress distributions in multipass welded API 5L X70 steel plates were determined by numerical and experimental methods. SYSWELD finite element software was used for numerical simulations. Microstructure variations...
Numerical and experimental determination of the residual stress state in multipass welded API 5LX70 plates
Garipova, Nuriya; Batıgün, Caner; Gür, Cemil Hakan (2014-01-01)
Residual stres s distributions in multipass welded API SL X70 steel plates were determined by numerical and experimental methods. SYSWELD finite element software was used for numerical simulations. Microstructure variation...
Fatigue Cracking of Hybrid Plasma Gas Metal Arc Welded 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel
Yurtışık, Koray; Tirkeş, Süha (2014-01-01)
Contrary to other keyhole welding applications on duplex stainless steels, a proper cooling time and a dilution were achieved during hybrid plasma gas metal arc welding that provided sufficient reconstructive transformatio...
Characterization of Duplex Stainless Steel Weld Metals Obtained by Hybrid Plasma-Gas Metal Arc Welding
Yurtışık, Koray; Tirkeş, Süha; Gür, Cemil Hakan; Gürbüz, Rıza (FapUNIFESP (SciELO), 2013-07-01)
Despite its high efficiency, autogenous keyhole welding is not well-accepted for duplex stainless steels because it causes excessive ferrite in as-welded duplex microstructure, which leads to a degradation in toughness and...
Hot Cracking Susceptibility of Twin Roll Cast Al-Mg Alloy Welds
Tirkes, Sueha; Batıgün, Caner; Ankara, Alpay (2010-01-01)
The hot cracking susceptibility of two different Al-Mg alloys during welding at various applied strains was investigated. At each strain value, the amount of hot cracking susceptibility increased with increasing magnesium ...
Non-destructive determination of residual stress state in steel weldments by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise technique
Yelbay, Hasan İlker; Çam, İbrahim; Gür, Cemil Hakan (2010-01-01)
The purpose of this study is non-destructive determination of residual stresses in the welded steel plates by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) technique. A MBN-stress calibration set-up and a residual stress measurement sys...
Electrochemical polymerization and characterization of polyether-substituted aniline derivatives
Tirkeş, Süha; Oenal, Ahmet M. (Wiley, 2007-08-01)
New compounds consisting of aniline units linked by polyether bridges have been synthesized and their electrochemical polymerization was performed via constant potential electrolysis and cyclic voltammetry in an aqueous so...
Electrosynthesis of polyfuran in acetonitrile-boron trifluoride-ethyl ether mixture and its device application
Tirkeş, Süha; Önal, Ahmet Muhtar (Wiley, 2007-01-15)
Electrochemical polymerization of furan was achieved in acetonitrile/boron trifluoride/ethyl ether (CH3 CN/BF3/EE) mixture in the presence of tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate via constant potential electrolysis at 1.4 ...
Synthesis and polymerization of 2-and 3-substituted thiophene derivatives linked by polyether bridges
Tirkeş, Süha; Önal, Ahmet Muhtar (Elsevier BV, 2004-11-15)
New compounds consisting of 2- and 3-thienyl units linked by polyether bridges have been synthesized and their electrochemical polymerization was performed via constant potential electrolysis (CPE) in an electrolytic solut...
Electrochemical polymerization of 9-fluorenone
Cihaner, A; Tirkeş, Süha; Önal, Ahmet Muhtar (Elsevier BV, 2004-07-01)
Electrochemical polymerization of 9-fluorenone, FO, was studied in CH2Cl2 solution with tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate, TBABF(4), as the electrolyte, via constant potential electrolysis, CPE. Prior to CPE, the redox ...
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