Nurdan Selay Bedir

Graduate School of Social Sciences
Exploring Turkish Youth Perceptions of the European Project: A Periphery Perspective
Bedir, Nurdan Selay; Şenyuva, Özgehan (Springer, 2024-01-01)
In the field of EU Studies, various academic studies indicate a prevailing political trend where people tend to become more Eurosceptic as they age. Yet, there is an increasing level of youth support for Eurosceptic ...
So Close Yet So Far: Turkey’s Relations with Germany in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Narratives (2003–2018)
Bedir, Nurdan Selay; Gedikli, Ardahan Özkan; Şenyuva, Özgehan (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2022-01-01)
To provide a solid assessment of EU–Turkey relations and their future prospects, this volume focuses on the triangular relationship between the block and Turkey on the one hand, coupled with bilateral relations between Ger...
Liberal Demokraside Gerilimler: İspanya’da Toplumsal ve Siyasi Taleplerin Dönüşümü
Bedir, Nurdan Selay (2018-10-15)
Neoliberalism and Argentine Tango? The perspective of Habermas’s public sphere
Bedir, Nurdan Selay (null; 2018-09-14)
Siyasi Taleplerin Sandık Aracılıgıyla Dönüsümü: Los Indignados’tan Podemos’a Ispanya Örnegi
Bedir, Nurdan Selay (null; 2017-12-01)
Özellikle 2008 küresel krizinin ardından pek çok devlet ve toplumda çağımızın baskın neoliberal politikalarına direniş yolları ve bunlara alternatif çare arayışına girilmiştir. Krizle ve gerek ulusal hükümetlerin gerekse A...
How can be engaged in concrete struggles? Spanish example: From 15M to Podemos
Bedir, Nurdan Selay (null; 2017-09-15)
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