Serhat Keskin

Graduate School of Social Sciences
Georgian Path to Secularism A Case of 'Cultural Defense'
Aydıngün, Ayşegül; Keskin, Serhat; Gürsoy Erdenay, Hazar Ege (2021-10-01)
This article intends to understand the dynamics and particularities of the Georgian path to secularism by analyzing whether equal respect for all religions and freedom of conscience -principle of secularism- are fully real...
Sovyet Sonrası Ukrayna’da Dini Canlanma ve Ortodoks Kiliseler: Ukrayna Ortodoks Kiliselerinin Birleşmesi
Keskin, Serhat (Terazi, 2020-03-01)
Sovyet ve Sovyet Sonrası Dönemde Ahıska Türklerinin Karşılaştıkları İnsan Hakları İhlalleri ve Ayrımcılıklar
Keskin, Serhat; Gürsoy Erdenay, Hazar Ege (2018-03-01)
Ahıska Türkleri günümüz Gürcistan sınırları içerisinde kalan Samtshe-Cavahetya bölgesinde yaşamış olan Türk dilli, Müslüman bir topluluktur. Bahsi geçen bölge, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükümeti ve Sovyetler Birliği ara...
Vatanına Dönmeye Çalışan Müslüman Bir Halk AhıskaTürklerinin Gürcistan da Bir Geleceği Var mı
Keskin, Serhat (null; 2016-05-08)
2007 Geri Dönüş Yasası ve Ahıska Türklerinin Gürcistan'a geri dönüş sürecindeki son durum
Keskin, Serhat; Yılmaz, Aytaç (Terazi Yayıncılık, 2016-01-01)
Ahıska Türklerinin 1944 Sürgünü’nden günümüze Gürcistan’a geri dönüş mücadelesi ve 2007 yılına kadar dönenlerin durumu
Keskin, Serhat (Terazi Yayıncılık, 2016-01-01)
Fabrication and characterization of boron doped BaZrO3 nanofibers via an electrospinning technique
TUNÇ, TUNCAY; Uslu, I.; Keskin, Serhat (2011-10-01)
In this study, boron doped and undoped poly(vinyl) alcohol/zirconium-barium acetate (PVA/Zr-Ba) nanofibers were prepared using an electrospinning technique then calcinated at three different temperatures; 250 degrees C, 50...
Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Doped Alumina Stabilized Zirconia Fibers
Uslu, I.; TUNÇ, TUNCAY; Keskin, Serhat; Ozturk, M. K. (2011-06-01)
Boron doped PVA/Zr-Al acetate nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning using PVA as a precursor. The effect of calcination temperature on morphology and crystal structure was investigated at 250, 500, and 800 degrees C....
Ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash and zeolite as cement replacement materials
Keskin, Serhat; Yaman, İsmail Özgür (2009-01-01)
Cement incontrovertibly, is the major and the most widely used binder in the structural concrete. However, the production of cement requires high energy and concedes great amounts of contaminants. From both economical and ...
Self-healing of mechanically-loaded self consolidating concretes with high volumes of fly ash
Sahmaran, Mustafa; Keskin, Serhat; Ozerkan, Gozde; Yaman, İsmail Özgür (2008-11-01)
This article discusses the effects of self-healing on self consolidating concretes incorporating high volumes of fly ash (HVFA-SCC) when subjected to continuous water exposure. For this purpose, self consolidating concrete...
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