Online Game Addiction in a Sample from Turkey: Development and Validation of the Turkish Version of Game Addiction Scale

Baysak, Erkan
Kaya, Fatma Duygu
Dalğar, İlker
Objective: Online game addiction also referred to as internet gaming disorder, a clinical condition that is not well-established, is not listed in psychiatric classification systems due to lack of adequate studies but expected to be added to the manual in near future. In Turkey neither a scale nor a study is present to evaluate online game addiction/addicts. We aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of "The Game Addiction Scale" that was developed by Lemmens in 2009 as an instrument to assess online game addiction in an online game players sample in Turkey and examine the game addiction levels in these players.


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Citation Formats
E. Baysak, F. D. Kaya, İ. Dalğar, and S. CANDANSAYAR, “Online Game Addiction in a Sample from Turkey: Development and Validation of the Turkish Version of Game Addiction Scale,” KLINIK PSIKOFARMAKOLOJI BULTENI-BULLETIN OF CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, pp. 21–31, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: