Culture and social structure: Identity in Turkey

Kasapoglu, MA
Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan
Using a historical and biographical perspective, this paper examines the structural elements and cultural signs of contemporary social events and problems in Turkey in order to understand their basic features. Hermeneutics is used in order to understand contemporary Turkey by way of its historical background and prominent biographies. Two basic epic texts were interpreted using Gadamarian hermeneutics with the help of key concepts such as gaza(1) and gaza cult. Semiotics is used to examine key concepts as binary opposites. Dialectics is used to understand these concepts as the unity of binary opposites coexisting at the same time and place. It is concluded that the contemporary cultural values and biographies explored are linked to their historical past and Islam seems to be more influential on hybrid identities than on ethnic status.


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Citation Formats
M. Kasapoglu and M. C. Ecevit, “Culture and social structure: Identity in Turkey,” HUMAN STUDIES, pp. 137–167, 2004, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: