An automated atmospheric fluerescence detector for pulses of supernova origin.

Kızıloğlu, Ümit


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A cosmic-ray particle density detector for measuring ultra-high energy gamma rays correlated with possible supernovae bursts.
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An optical fiber radiation sensor for remote detection of radiological materials
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This paper demonstrates the feasibility of a portable radiation sensor system that uses the pulsed optically stimulated luminescence technique to remotely interrogate an aluminum oxide (Al2O3:C) radiation sensor via an optical fiber. The objective is to develop a system for applications requiring simple and inexpensive sensors for widespread monitoring of ionizing radiation levels, which can be remotely interrogated at regular periods with little or no human intervention and are easy to install, operate, an...
An Integrated imaging sensor for rare cell detection applications
Altıner, Çağlar; Akın, Tayfun; Eminoğlu, Selim; Department of Micro and Nanotechnology (2012)
Cell detection using image sensors is a novel and promising technique that can be used for diagnostic applications in medicine. For this purpose, cell detection studies with shadowing method are performed with yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) using an 32×32 complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor that is sensitive to optical illumination. Cells that are placed zero distance from the sensor surface are detected using the image sensor which is illuminated with four fixed leds to main...
Citation Formats
Ü. Kızıloğlu, “An automated atmospheric fluerescence detector for pulses of supernova origin.,” Middle East Technical University, 1972.