Calculation of internal conversion coefficients of outer shell electrons of Nb,Tc,Tm at low transition energies.

Okumuşoğlu, Nazmi Turan


Calculation of nuclear level densities with static deformation.
Gökmen, Ali; Department of Chemistry (1976)
Calculation of the damping constant and the order parameter for the lattice mode in ferroelectric PbTiO3
Kiraci, A.; Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (2013-07-25)
The temperature dependences of the damping constant and the order parameter are calculated for the lattice mode of E (1TO) in PbTiO3 using the experimental data by the pseudospin- phonon coupled model and the enrgy fluctuation model. Calculation of the damping constant of soft mode is performed in the temperature range of 400- 490 degrees C close to the ferroelectric- paraelectric transition (T-C= 493 degrees C) in PbTiO3. By relating the frequency to the order parameter, the temperature dependence of the R...
Calculation of a temperature-concentration phase diagram of mixed LiK(1-x)Rb(x)SO(4) crystals
Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (IOP Publishing, 2008-04-01)
We study here the temperature-concentration (T-X) phase diagram of mixed LiK(1-x)Rb(x)SO(4) crystals obtained using a mean field model. We expand the free energies of phases II, III, IV, and V in terms of the order parameters and calculate the phase line equations for the II-III, III-IV, and IV-V transitions in this crystal. By fitting our phase line equations to the experimental data, we obtain a T-X phase diagram of mixed LiK(1-x)Rb(x)SO(4) crystals. Using the phase line equations derived from our mean fi...
Calculation of carrier losses on long multiconductor transposed transmission lines.
Akgün, Ahmet; Department of Electrical Engineering (1971)
Calculation of parameters of single-phase PM motor for design optimization
Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Capolino, GA (2005-09-01)
This paper presents methods of calculation of parameters of single-phase permanent-magnet (SPPM) motor, in terms of motor dimensions and material properties, which are utilized in the dynamic model of the motor. The intention of the study is to develop means of SPPM performance calculations, which lend themselves to be employed within a mathematical design optimization approach. The calculated parameters are compared with measured values and are shown to be accurate for the purpose of the study.
Citation Formats
N. T. Okumuşoğlu, “Calculation of internal conversion coefficients of outer shell electrons of Nb,Tc,Tm at low transition energies.,” Middle East Technical University, 1972.