Hakan Gürsu

Department of Industrial Design
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science Researcher ID
Assessment of Theoretical and Test Performance Considerations of Concentrated Solar Water Purification System “Parabosol” in Underserved Regions
Gürsu, Hakan (2024-08-01)
Water is a fundamental human right and a prerequisite for sustainable development because it is an essential element of existence. Notwithstanding, a huge part of the world’s population continues to face challenges in acce...
An Affordable System Solution for Enhancing Tree Survival in Dry Environments
Gürsu, Hakan (2024-07-01)
Water scarcity inhibits plant growth, especially in arid regions. Traditional irrigation methods often lack efficiency and sustainability. This study investigates AquaTrap, a biomimetic design, as a potential solution. The...
Reusable Smart Lids for Improving Food Safety at Household Level with Programmable UV-C Technology
Gürsu, Hakan (2024-7-01)
The worldwide food industry faces the multiple challenges of providing food security while also reducing environmental and health consequences. This requires transitioning to chemical-free techniques of preserving food wit...
Waste-Based Vertical Planting System Proposal to Increase Productivity in Sustainable Horticulture; “PETREE”
Gürsu, Hakan (2024-04-01)
The problems experienced with the decrease in agricultural areas per capita against the uncontrolled population growth in the World and in Turkey are becoming increasingly evident. Especially the manpower engaged in hortic...
Çizgi ve Ton: Çizime Bir Başlangıç Kitabı
Gürsu, Hakan (2023-03-01)
Product Design Sketching & Rendering Presentation Techniques Vol.1: Introduction
Gürsu, Hakan (2022-02-01)
Product Design Sketching & Rendering Presentation Techniques Vol.2: Intermadiate
Gürsu, Hakan (2022-01-01)
Güneş Şemsiyesi Ürün İnceleme Raporu
Gürsu, Hakan (2020-02-01)
Innovation Center Proposal in the Context of Sme’s and Problems in Turkish Industry
Gürsu, Hakan (null; 2018-12-26)
Günümüzde ülke sanayisinin yüzde 99.8’ini oluşturan KOBİ’ler küresel rekabet edilebilirlikleri, ülke ekonomisine katma değer sağlamaları ile ülke sanayisinin gelişiminde büyük rol oynamaktadır. Dünya ekonomisinde ürün odak...
Tasarım öğrenimi seviye 1 ve 2’de yer alan dinamik kullanıcı grupların bilinç analizi ve yeni kullanım kılavuzu geliştirilmesi süreci
Gürsu, Hakan (Başkent Üniversitesi-Güzel Sanatlar Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi; 2018-12-19)
Dijitalleşen ve sürekli değişen bilgi çağının dinamik gereklerine karşı, aynı düzeydedeğişmeyen geleneksel temel tasarım kavramlarına ve kodlarına ulaşım ironik bir şekildezorlaşmaktadır. Tasarım temel seviye öğrenimdeki s...
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