Department of Mathematics
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On a class of non-simply connected Calabi-Yau 3-folds with positive Euler characteristic
Karayayla, Tolga (2022-01-01)
In this work we obtain a class of non-simply connected Calabi-Yau 3-folds with positive Euler characteristic as the quotient of projective small resolutions of singular Schoen 3-folds under the free action of finite groups...
Pozitif Euler karakteristikli ve basit bağlantılı olmayan Calabi-Yau 3-katlıları üzerine
Karayayla, Tolga (2021-08-31)
Tekil Schoen 3-katlılarının küçük çözülmelerle desingularizasyonlrı ve grup etkisi altında bölüm Calabi-Yau 3-katlıları
Karayayla, Tolga (2019-08-31)
Tekil Schoen 3-katlılarının desingularizasyonlerı üzerinde sabit noktasız sonlu grup etkileri ve bölüm Calabi-Yau 3-katlıları
Karayayla, Tolga (2019-06-28)
Rasyonel eliptik yüzeylerin özyapı dönüşüm gruplarının sınıflandırılması ve basit bağlı olmayan Calabi-Yau 3-katlılarına uygulamaları
Karayayla, Tolga (null; 2017-09-09)
Non-simply connected Calabi-Yau threefolds constructed as quotients of Schoen threefolds
Karayayla, Tolga (2017-07-01)
The aim of this paper is to complete the classification of all Calabi-Yau threefolds which are constructed as the quotient of a smooth Schoen threefold X = B-1 x p1 B-2 (fiber product over P-1 of two relatively minimal rat...
Finite Groups which Act Freely on Smooth Schoen Threefolds
Karayayla, Tolga (2016-11-13)
Finite and Fixed Point Free Group Actions on Fiber Products of Rational Elliptic Surfaces
Karayayla, Tolga (null; 2016-05-22)
Basit Bağlı Olmayan Calabi Yau 3 katlılarının İnşası Üzerine
Karayayla, Tolga (null; 2015-06-11)
Automorphism groups of rational elliptic surfaces with section and constant J-map
Karayayla, Tolga (2014-12-01)
In this paper, the automorphism groups of relatively minimal rational elliptic surfaces with section which have constant J-maps are classified. The ground field is a",. The automorphism group of such a surface beta: B -> a...
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