A study on the relationships between self-concept, study skills, and achievement in foreign language learning at university level

Karabınar, Selma


An investigation into the relationship between emotional intelligence skills and foreign language anxiety of students at a private university
Ergün, Ekin; Seferoğlu, Gölge; Department of English Language Teaching (2011)
This study aims to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence skills and foreign language anxiety levels of students from Atılım University Preparatory School, in addition to looking at Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) in relation to gender, high-school background, foreign language background and the level of exposure to English. In the data gathering process, 436 students from a private university preparatory school participated. The data were collected in thr...
A study of an American university master's program in TESOL : multiple perspectives in program evaluation
Tezel, Kadir Vefa; Seferoğlu, Gölge; Department of Foreign Language Education (2006)
University departments that offer graduate programs require feedback to assess the quality of the education they offer. Feedback on the quality of education is provided in the form of program evaluation. In the general approach to program evaluation, outsiders, i.e., people who are not parts of a program, do the evaluation. This descriptive study starts out with the belief that the best feedback in program evaluation can only come from insiders, i.e., faculty, students, and alumni, who are parts of a partic...
An investigation into the implementation of alternative assessment in the young learner classroom
Çetin, Lynn Marie Bethard; Özbek Gürbüz, Nurdan; Department of English Language Teaching (2011)
The purpose of this study was to explore and develop a better understanding of the implementation of alternative assessment in the young learner classroom. This in-depth, qualitative study focuses on teachers’ practices and beliefs, as well as the student perspective and the role of alternative assessment in the instructional process. Case studies were carried out on nine different English language teachers and their use of alternative assessment strategies and tools over a six month period in their first, ...
A Comparative study on the perceptions of instructors and students in the preparatory schools of a state and a private university regarding the integration of target culture into the teaching of the english language
Önal, Sena; Gündüz, Müge; Department of English Language Teaching (2019)
This study investigates and compares the perceptions and classroom applications of the Turkish EFL instructors and their students in the language preparatory schools at a state university and a private university in Ankara, Turkey, in relation to integrating target culture in their English language teaching. The study makes the comparison of perceptions on the subject matter in four categories: (1) between the state university students and private university students, (2) between the state university instru...
A comparative analysis on the use of but, however and although in the university students’ argumentative essays: a corpus-based study on Turkish learners of English and American native speakers
Özhan, Didem; Zeyrek Bozşahin, Deniz; Department of English Language Teaching (2012)
Discourse connectives signal discourse coherence by making discourse relations explicit and by playing a role in the organization and structure of information in discourse. Therefore, their use in L2 writing is an important field of study that is likely to have implications for discourse competence both at the sentence-level discourse and at the level of larger discourse structure. The aim of the present study is to account for the use of three contrastive discourse connectives, but, however and although at...
Citation Formats
S. Karabınar, “A study on the relationships between self-concept, study skills, and achievement in foreign language learning at university level,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2000.