Finans Teorisi II

Jenter, Dick
Lewellen, Katharina
Bu dersin amacı doğru iş kararları verebilmek için gerekli finansal araçları öğrenmektir. Ders kurumsal finans teorisinin temel bulgularını sunacak, ancak esas ağırlık bunların gerçek iş kararlarına uygulanması olacaktır. Her derste sınıf içi tartışmalar oalcaktır, bunların bir kısmı dersler hakkında bir kısmı da vaka çalışmaları üzerinde olacaktır.


An investigation of persistence in autonomous learning behaviors of English majors
Çakır, Nur (2011-10-05)
Motivating students to become active learners who can pursue and address their learning needs despite the presence of various difficulties is a major goal in contemporary educational practice. Socio-economical dynamics in today‘s knowledge-based society requires people to continuously improve their skills in the course of their professional lives. Therefore, understanding what intentions and behaviors drive persistent and successful learners in various professions, and developing strategies for encouraging ...
A Study on poverty in the city with a specific focus on ethnic networks
Yıldız, Melik Zafer; Şengül, H. Tarık; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2002)
In this study, it is aimed to explore the role of ethnic networks, which are constructed in certain city districts and made use of by urban poor, for securing their income and dwelling. In this respect, taking the theoretical discussion on urban poverty, survival strategies, and ethnicity in to account, this study firstly addressed the role of ethnic networks and the way in which these ethnic networks are put in use, as well as patterning of household strategies through ethnic criteria in city districts thr...
Development of Metacognitive Skills Inventory for Internet Search (MSIIS): Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses
Şendurur, Emine; Yıldırım, Zahide (Ilkogretim Online, 2018-01-01)
This study reports the development of metacognition inventory for Internet search for middle school students. In this study, analysis and results of both exploratory and confirmatory factors are reported. Firstly, 37-items were generated considering literature review and metacognitive challenges faced during the search process, and pilot exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Secondly, the final version of the scale was distributed to 273 seventh grade students, and the existing constructs were extracte...
Sahi, Inovasyon Neden Bize Bu Kadar Uzak?
Gürsu, Hakan (Destek Yayınları, 2014-03-01)
21. yüzyıla girerken günümüz insanının değişmeyen ortak hedefiyaşam kalitesini yükseltmek. Bütün açılımlar ve ortaya konan tümgayretlerin merkezinde daha iyi bir yaşam kalitesine ulaşma ve sürdürmehedefinin yer aldığını söylemek, umarım abartılı olmaz.Artık insan için yaşam kalitesini yükseltmenin daha kolay ve ulaşılabilirbir yolu da yaşamın ortaya çıkardığı problemlerden olabildiğincekaçma becerisinde ve gündelik problemlerini dışarıdan hizmetalarak çözme eğilimde saklı. Teknolojiyi en üst düzeyde kullana...
Pre-service English Teachers’ Career Development Aspirations: Professional Development and Leadership
ÖLÇÜ DİNÇER, ZEYNEP; Seferoğlu, Gölge (2018-11-01)
This mixed-methods study was conducted to investigate pre-service teachers' career development aspirations with an emphasis on their leadership motivations and plans for professional development. A cohort of 672 senior pre-service English teachers answered the questionnaire and 88 of them were interviewed. Inferential and descriptive statistics were employed for quantitative data, and qualitative data were thematically analyzed. Leadership aspirations of teacher candidates were found to be moderate and main...
Citation Formats
D. Jenter and K. Lewellen, “Finans Teorisi II,” 00, 2003, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: