An analysis of the concept of Androgyny in Virginia Woolf's Orlando, Mrs. Dalloway, and to the lighthouse

Zileli, Bilge Nihal


An analysis of the laingian concept of madness in Doris Lessing's the four-gated city and Margaret Atwood's surfacing.
Kayacan, S. Pinar; İçöz, Nursel; Department of English Language Education (2002)
François Truffaut’nun “Les Quatre Cents Coups” Filminin Erken Dönem Nesne İlişkileri Bağlamında Bir İncelemesi
Yıldırım, Jülide Ceren (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2021-10)
Bu çalışma, Yeni Dalga akımının en önemli temsilcilerinden François Truffaut’nun 1959 yılında çektiği ilk uzun metrajlı filmi olan Les Quatre Cents Coups filmine psikanalitik bir bakış sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Filmin baş kahramanı Antoine Doinel 13 yaşında, okulu asan, hırsızlık yapan, yalan söyleyen bir ergendir. Bu inceleme kapsamında öncelikle psikanalitik kuramda ergenlik döneminden söz edilmiş; ergenin içinden geçtiği değişim süreci ve bunun ergenin ruhsallığı üzerindeki etkileri ele alınmıştır. Daha so...
An analysis of the moral development of George Eliot's characters in Middlemarch according to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moralization
Çetinkaya, Göksev; Çileli, Fatma Meral; Department of Foreign Language Education (2003)
This study analyzes the moral development of George Eliot's characters in her novel Middlemarch according to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory called "The Cognitive-Developmental Theory of Moralization". Eliot's moral view is characterized by man's relation with other men, not man's relation with God. As long as the individuals treat others with sympathy and understanding, they can develop morally. Eliot's aim is to contribute to the creation of a happier society by presenting the harms of egoism. According to Koh...
An Analysis of hyperreality in John Fowles’s the magus and Paul Auster’s moon palace
Önal, Özlem; Alpakın Martınez Caro, Dürrin; Department of English Literature (2019)
Jean Baudrillard claims that the postmodern individual lives in “the desert of the real” (Simulacra 1) where there is no absolute reality anymore as the endless proliferation of simulacra marks the end of reality and truth, leading to the emergence of hyperreality. The aim of this thesis is to study the way hyperreality can be explored in two postmodern novels which are John Fowles’s The Magus: A Revised Version (1977) and Paul Auster’s Moon Palace (1989) and to state that an escape from hyperreality is pro...
An analysis of gender issues in the lost girl and the plumed serpent by D.H. Lawrence
Akgün, Ela; Çileli, Fatma Meral; Department of English Literature (2005)
This thesis analyzes the ways how David Herbert Lawrence advocates sexual politics in his novels The Lost Girl and The Plumed Serpent. The thesis argues that although D.H. Lawrence portrays modern women̕s search for identity in The Lost Girl and The Plumed Serpent, his attitude is that of a very conventional man who advertises his male fantasies through female characters; and the gender role that he finally assigns to women is unquestioning submissiveness to male authority. The power relations between sexes...
Citation Formats
B. N. Zileli, “An analysis of the concept of Androgyny in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, Mrs. Dalloway, and to the lighthouse,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.