Relationship between time management and academic achivement of selected university students

Alay, Sema


Relationship between social capital, information sharing, organizational ambidexterity and firm performance in technology parks
Keskin, Fatma Feyza; Wasti Pamuksuz, Syeda Nazlı; Department of Business Administration (2018)
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the link between social capital, information sharing, ambidexterity, and firm performance in technopark firms in Turkey. To that end, the bilateral relations and serial mediation effects of these concepts were probed. Data was gathered through surveys from three technoparks in Ankara. Survey results of 87 firms were analyzed using serial and combined (serial and parallel) mediation analyses. According to the results, higher social capital among technopark fi...
Relationship between public school teachers’ perceived crisis leadership, trust in management and attitudes towards distance education
Erdoğan, İlayda; Zayim Kurtay, Merve; Kondakçı, Yaşar; Department of Educational Administration and Planning (2022-9-29)
Crises threaten organizational life dramatically and the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated educational organizations are also affected by the consequences of a crisis. Teachers' attitudes are important for the continuation of education in times of crisis when distance education is a necessity. Although literature presents numerous factors related to teachers’ attitudes towards distance education, there have not been many empirical studies examining the relationship between other contextual factors such as prin...
Relationship between pre service physics teachers FCI performance and their feedback on FCI results
Yıldırım, Ufuk; Garip, Belkıs; Demirtaş, Dilber (2015-07-10)
Relationship between lean manufacturing and occupational health and safety in the aerospace industry in Turkey
Karstarlı Sevim, Rana; Parlaktuna, Mahmut; Department of Occupational Health and Safety (2023-1-27)
Occupational health and safety is a concept that is very important in every industry branch around the world. The primary purpose of the occupational health and safety philosophy is to prevent possible accidents, loss of life, and property by creating a safe work environment for employees. Lean manufacturing emerged in Japan as a result of the raw material crisis after the Second World War. Still, it started to be used worldwide in a short time due to its contribution to the production processes. The main p...
Relationship between emotional skills of preschoolers and emotional intelligence of their teachers and mothers
Terzioğlu, Tuğçe Esra; Olgan, Refika; Department of Early Childhood Education (2018)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the emotional skills of 66–72-month-old children and the emotional intelligence levels of their preschool teachers and mothers, as well as to examine the predictive impact of the emotional intelligence of the preschool teachers and the emotional intelligence of the mothers on the emotional skills of the 66–72-month-old children. The sample of this study involves 66–72-month-old children (N=126) who are attending public and primary elementary schools and preschools...
Citation Formats
S. Alay, “Relationship between time management and academic achivement of selected university students,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.