Antalya Üniversitesi kentsel yer seçim sürecinde çeşitli bakış açıları üzerine bir tartışma.

Birkan, Güven


Determinants of economic performance and networking patterns of settlements in Antalya region
Sertesen, Selçuk; Eraydın, Ayda; Department of City and Regional Planning (2009)
Effects of globalization transform the forms of relations between settlements and it also changed the relations between capital and labor. In this global era performances of individual settlements became crucial in the absence of old hierarchic boundaries. But individual performances of settlements are not enough to integrate the global system. A New type of spatial organization appeared which is called networking to enhance complementary and cooperative relations crucial for synergy. The spatial reflexions...
Urban restructuring process of Antalya walled-town and the roles of stakeholders
Alpan, Açalya; Tuna, Numan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2014)
With the establishment of SPI (State Planning Institution) in 1960, Turkey entered the ‘planned period’, and ‘planning’ became the major means of the State for realizing its intentions and producing or reproducing space. However, it is argued in the dissertation that another major agent in these production and reproduction processes is ‘society’, which generates its own tools of sanction to impose its will on the space. As a result, space is actually reproduced both by the State and by society and what is a...
Collapse mechanism of the Antalya Tufa deposits
Dipova, Nihat; Doyuran, Vedat; Ergun, M. Ufuk; Department of Geological Engineering (2002)
This research aims assessment of collapse mechanism of Antalya Tufa deposits. Antalya city has settled on tufa deposits. However, it was named as travertine previously, deposition in cool water regime and biogenic origin, imply that use of tufa term is more appropriate. At the end of the eighties, the area behind the Antalya tufa cliffs started to be occupied by buildings. However, some of these high-rise buildings suffer from foundation instabilities. Cracking and fissuration of the walls and overall tilti...
Conservation history of cultural heritage in Kaleiçi district in Antalya (from the 20th century to present day) /
Çelik Başok, Gülşah; Bakırer, Ömür; Gökce, Fuat; Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Department of Architecture (2016)
Historical urban sites are outputs of physical formation of the various social, cultural, economical and political relations in the urban space. During conservation of the historical urban sites, site should be handled as a historical and cultural whole. In this context, before conservation studies and during the process of producing conservation decisions, handling only the present physical situation of the historical urban fabric and generating decisions only on physical structure is not sufficient for an...
Antalya Körfezi karasal çöküntüsünün neotektonik özellikleri, depremselliği ve daha önceki denizaltı çalışmaları ile karşılaştırılması
Koçyiğit, Ali; Akyol, Erol; Bozkurt, Erdin; Beyhan, Ali(1997)
Bu proje kapsamında Antalya havzasının karasal nitelikli kuzey kesiminin neotektonik özellikleri ve depremselliği incelenmiştir. Bölgesel ölçekli bu çalışma kuzeyde Eğirdir gölü ortalarından başlayıp güneyde Antalya kıyılarına değin süren yaklaşık 14.000 km2 lik bir alanda sürdürülmüştür. İnceleme alanında yenitektonik dönem, Tortoniyen sonundaki Aksu sıkışma fazını izeleyen kısa süreli (Messiniyen) bir geçiş döneminden sonra Pliyosen'de başlamıştır. Genel olarak genişleme türü bir tektonik rejimle temsil ...
Citation Formats
G. Birkan, “Antalya Üniversitesi kentsel yer seçim sürecinde çeşitli bakış açıları üzerine bir tartışma.,” Middle East Technical University, 1979.