Modeling of the dynamic delamination of L-shaped unidirectional laminated composites

Gozluklu, Burak
Çöker, Demirkan
One of the widely used geometrically complex parts in advanced commercial aircraft is the L-shaped composite. Due to the sharp curved geometry, interlaminar opening stresses are induced and delamination occurs under considerable mode-mixities in L-shaped beams. Dynamic phenomena during delamination initiation and propagation of L-shaped beams are investigated using dynamic (explicit) finite element analysis in conjunction with cohesive zone methods. The 2-D model consists of 24 plies of unidirectional CFRP laminate with an initial 1 mm crack at the center of the laminate at the bend. Loading is applied parallel to one of the arms quasi-statically. The loading type yields different traction fields and mode-mixities in the two sides of the crack in which delamination occurs under shear stress dominated loading on one crack tip and opening stress dominated loading on the other. The speed of the delamination under shear dominated loading at one side is 800 m/s and under normal stress dominated loading is 50 m/s. In addition radial compressive waves at the interface are observed. Finally, as the thickness is changed, a different failure mode is observed in which a secondary crack nucleates at the arm and propagates towards the center crack.


Modeling of intersonic delamination in curved and thick composite laminates under quasi-static loading
Gözlüklü, Burak; Çöker, Demirkan; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2014)
One of the widely used geometrically complex parts in advanced commercial aircraft is L-shaped composite laminates in which mixed-mode delamination failure is reported. Dynamic delamination under quasi-static loading is studied using explicit finite element method in conjunction with Cohesive Zone Modeling (CZM). A 4-noded interface element working with Bilinear (BL), Xu-Needleman (XN) and ratedependent bilinear (RD) CZMs are implemented in ABAQUS/Explicit. The interface elements are validated with benchmar...
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Gozluklu, B.; Uyar, I; Çöker, Demirkan (2014-07-25)
In wind energy and aerospace industries, new advances in composite manufacturing technology enable to produce primary load carrying elements as composite materials in wide variety of shapes large such as an L-shape. However, due to the geometry, Interlaminar Normal Stresses (ILNS) are induced once a moderately thick laminate takes highly curved shape. In the curved part of the L-shaped structure, the development of ILNS promotes mode-I type of delamination propagation which is the weakest fracture mode. Thi...
Experimental Observations of Dynamic Delamination in Curved [0] and [0/90] Composite Laminates
Uyar, İmren; Arca, Miray; Gozluklu, Burak; Çöker, Demirkan (2015-01-01)
Curved composite parts are increasingly replacing metal ribs and box structures in recent civil aerospace structures and wind turbine blades. Delamination of L-shaped composite laminates occurs by interlaminar opening stresses in addition to the interlaminar shear stresses at the curved region. An experimental setup is designed to investigate dynamic delamination in L-shaped composite brackets under quasi static shear loading. The materials are unidirectional [0]17and cross-ply [0/90]17 epoxy/graphite compo...
Development of bolted flange design tool based on finite element analysis and artificial neural network
Yıldırım, Alper; Kayran, Altan; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2015)
In bolted flange connections, commonly utilized in aircraft engine designs, structural integrity and minimization of the weight are achieved by the optimum combination of the design parameters utilizing the outcome of many structural analyses. Bolt size, number of bolts, bolt locations, casing thickness, flange thickness, bolt preload, and axial external force are some of the critical design parameters in bolted flange connections. Theoretical analysis and finite element analysis (FEA) are two main approach...
Citation Formats
B. Gozluklu and D. Çöker, “Modeling of the dynamic delamination of L-shaped unidirectional laminated composites,” COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, pp. 1430–1442, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: