Critical reasoning for social justice: moral encounters with the paradoxes of intercultural education

Tochon, Francois V.
Karaman, Abdullah Cendel
The concepts and goals that are relied on in intercultural development programs have not been clearly situated in the social contexts of education. ‘Steps’ and ‘strategies’ are applied with varied interpretations to different subject areas. In preparing individuals for encounters with cultural otherness, these approaches often fall short. This article investigates the paradoxical terms of intercultural development and re‐conceptualizes intercultural reasoning within moral and critical dimensions of education. The critical‐interpretive systems approach is applied in proposing the agenda for intercultural reasoning in societies, an agenda that targets social justice. The article also highlights the shortcomings of reductionist and instrumentalist approaches across disciplines. In conclusion, the urgency of defining and uniting around a morally valid intercultural perspective emerges.
Intercultural Education


Kalaycıoğlu, Beste; Bayırbağ, Mustafa Kemal; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2022-2)
This study examines the educational reforms implemented in the JDP period in terms of social justice demand with a specific focus on the transition to higher education policies. It has been claimed that since the beginning of the 2000s, when policy-making practices were reshaped by neoliberalism, the application of populist discourse and an incremental policy-making model together marked the reforms implemented in the field of education in Turkey. The main motivation of the study is to question whether it i...
Achieving Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Early Childhood Education Through Critical Reflection in Transformative Learning
Feriver, Şebnem; Olgan, Refika; Teksöz, Gaye (Springer, Cham, 2019-08-01)
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Differentiated Function of School in Socio-Culturally Disadvantaged Context: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study from Turkey
Caliskan, Zuhal Zeybekoglu; Simsek, Hasan; Kondakçı, Yaşar (2017-09-01)
This study analyses the functioning of a school as a social system in an atypical context with the purpose of generating propositions to tackle educational problems confronted by socially and economically disadvantaged groups attending these schools. Adopting the constructivist grounded theory, the analysis suggests that there is a kind of “vicious cycle” in the functioning of this atypical school, which adversely affects the school system. Breaking the vicious cycle involves five basic propositions: (1) ma...
Challenges of Chinese and European Universities in the Modernization and Global Context
Zayim Kurtay, Merve (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-06-01)
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Symposium: ICT4D and the learning sciences
Evans, Michael A.; Johri, Aditya; Glasson, George E.; Çağıltay, Kürşat; Pal, Joyojeet; Sorcar, Piya (null; 2008-06-28)
Over the last two decades, the learning sciences have contributed immensely to curricula-based learning in formal environments. Recently, there is an increased emphasis on learning that occurs outside formal institutions, especially through the use of technology. Design experiments and design-based research have resulted in several innovations and in an overall conception of designing and researching new learning environments. Not surprisingly, technology has been a critical component of research and teachi...