Comparison of 1919 and 2011 revolutions of Egypt from social network analysis

Uslu Madenoğlu, Zeynep Setenay
This study aims to analyze how workers and business elite as networks in Egypt evolved within the century by comparing two ruptures in country’s last century which are revolutions in 1919 and 2011. Social network analysis argues that networks are the mobilizing structures of the societies and in this regard, workers are the prominent network in Egypt. Their role has been compared with business elite to state two poles of the society when it comes to revolutions. Major finding is that workers are the pillars of nationwide revolutions of Egypt while an Egyptian elite in business world struggles to emerge and gain power in economics and politics in the last century. Repertoires of actions of workers makes them a threat for authorities and strength of ties among actors and the coherency of the network is the main difference of them from other networks, particularly business elite. In the thesis, not only role of workers and business elite but also two revolutions from their emergence to the results will be compared.


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Citation Formats
Z. S. Uslu Madenoğlu, “Comparison of 1919 and 2011 revolutions of Egypt from social network analysis,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Social Sciences. Middle East Studies., Middle East Technical University, 2019.