Environmental psychology discourse in architecture: current status in Turkish architecture education

Mert, Sezen
In a world that gets more and more industrialized every day, human factors fade into background in various fields. Architecture is one of those fields that suffer from this. When architects started to prioritize concerns such as form, function, aesthetics or economics, and neglect human psychology to some extent, rupture of human and design interaction transpired. This rupture can be overcome through embracement and absorption of the human psychology and usage of it to create sufficient spaces. In order to create satisfactory environments comprehending the effects of the built environment on humans and the interaction between design and its users is essential. To achieve this, one should understand environmental psychology as a critical component within architecture. Thus, the aim of this study is to uncover the importance of environmental psychology for architecture field through analyzing the role of it and their discursive interaction. Environmental psychology is an extensive study field which has broad potential, yet it is not well known beyond its own journals and publications. It is exceedingly overlooked within architecture field despite its importance in understanding human and place interaction and architecture would be incomplete without absorbing this relationship within its own discourse. Education is a crucial medium to initiate the embracement. Therefore, it is important to integrate the discursive outcomes of these two fields to architecture education. This way architects will inevitably embrace a psychological point of view that will guide them through their designs and the built environment will be more compatible with human needs.


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Citation Formats
S. Mert, “Environmental psychology discourse in architecture: current status in Turkish architecture education,” Thesis (M.Arch.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Architecture., Middle East Technical University, 2019.