Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Article

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Entity Type
Publication (162)

Has File(s)
No (140)
Yes (22)

Erden, Feyza (36)
Baloğlu, Mustafa (31)
Olgan, Refika (26)
Demircan, Hasibe Özlen (25)
Sevimli Çelik, Serap (18)

Early childhood education (20)
Education (17)
Developmental and Educational Psychology (14)
General Psychology (7)
Social Psychology (6)

Date Issued
2000 - 2009 (17)
2010 - 2019 (83)
2020 - 2024 (62)

Item Type
Journal Article (157)
Book Review (1)
Other (1)

Recent Submissions

Teacher-child interactions in early childhood education and care classrooms: characteristics, predictivity, dependency and methodological issues
Üzüm, Sabiha (2024-9-16)
Effect of gender-neutral activities on preschool children’s gender stereotypes
Gülçiçek, Turan; Erden, Feyza (2024-08-01)
"My Child Might Be Thinking About Something Beneficial to Humanity": Enhancing Parental Perspectives on Engineering Education in Early Childhood
Ata-Akturk, Aysun; Demircan, Hasibe Özlen (2024-07-26)
This qualitative case study explores how parental involvement (PI) in early engineering education (EEE) of 5- to 6-year-old children provided through a school-based program reflected on Turkish parents' perspectives regard...
A learner-centered journey: Pre-service early childhood teachers’ learning through self-reflections and feedbacks with design-based curriculum course
Demirci, Zeliha; TONGA ÇABUK, FUNDA EDA; Erden, Feyza (2024-06-01)
This study was aimed at designing and developing a learner-centered curriculum course for pre-service early childhood teachers considering their expectations, supporting active creation of lesson plans, and investigating c...
Perceived instrumentality of early childhood education: parents’ valued future goals for their children
ÇETİN, MUSTAFA; Eren, Altay; Çetin, Güler; Demircan, Hasibe Özlen (2024-01-01)
Adopting an integrative grounded theory approach, this study aimed to uncover parents’ perceptions of instrumentality regarding early childhood education within the scope of their children’s academic skills, social-emotion...
Brick classroom & Block classroom: preschoolers’ spatial and architectural design skills during constructive play
Akdemir, Kadriye; Sevimli Çelik, Serap (2024-01-01)
Constructive play, where children manipulate materials to create and build something, is a prevalent form of play in preschool settings. Children can greatly benefit from engaging in constructive play, specifically by deve...
Determinants of Turkish Parents’ Involvement in Early Childhood Education: The Roles of Role Activity and Self-Efficacy Beliefs for Involvement
ÇETİN, MUSTAFA; Demircan, Hasibe Özlen (2024-01-01)
This study aimed to investigate the associations between contextual and demographic factors influencing parental involvement in education and the levels of parent involvement in education, specifically addressing the possi...
Questioning as an instructional method: Exploring beliefs and reported practices of early childhood educators
Inönü, Gamze Nur; Demircan, Hasibe Özlen (2023-12-01)
This study aims to characterize educators’ beliefs and reported practices about the questioning method. For this purpose, 412 educators fulfilled questionnaire, and 21 educators were interviewed about their practices. The ...
Preschool Children’s and Their Mothers’ Outdoor Setting Preferences and Reasons Beyond Their Choices
YILMAZ UYSAL, SİMGE; Olgan, Refika (2023-12-01)
Disaster Education for Young Children: A Systematic Review and Thematic Analysis
Güvelioğlu, Elif; Erden, Feyza (2023-12-01)
The aim of this systematic review is to search for, gather, and synthesize studies on disaster education for children in the early childhood period. Studies that implemented and evaluated the results of a disaster educat...
The Relationship between Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers’ Self-Compassion and Self-Regulation: The Moderating Effect of Mindfulness
Çam, Betül; Tonga Çabuk, Funda Eda; Erden, Feyza (2023-12-01)
Teacher characteristics are one indicator which might affect teachers’ teaching practices. The current study was focused on several characteristics that might have an effect on teaching practices. The aim of this study was...
Integration within national documents: An examination of early childhood education curriculum of five high-achieving countries of MIPEX
Avcı, Zeynep; Erden, Feyza; Yalçın, Fatma (2023-11-01)
International migration, although interrupted slightly by the travel restrictions due to Covid-19, is still quite common and influential resulting in cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity within countries. Designing ed...
Erken Çocukluk Eğitiminde Eğitimsel Planlama Süreçleri: Farklı Eğitim Yaklaşımlarının Karşılaştırmalı Anlatımı
Demirci, Zeliha; Erden, Feyza (2023-08-01)
Alternatif eğitim yaklaşımlarındaki eğitimsel planlama süreçlerini anlamak, erken çocukluk eğitimini ilerletmek için atılan önemli bir adımdır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’deki alternatif eğitim yaklaşımlarını ...
Analyzing Creativity in Children’s Picture Books
Demirci, Zeliha; Menteşe, Yeliz; Sevimli Çelik, Serap (2023-06-01)
The purpose of this study was to examine creativity in children’s books in terms of problem solving, divergent thinking, curiosity, and growth mindset. The study was carried out qualitatively where the researchers analyzed...
Programme-based experiences of preschool teachers regarding support of children’s social skills
Demirci, Zeliha; Erden, Feyza (2023-05-01)
A Content Analysis of Articles in the Turkish Early Childhood Education Context
Güvelioğlu, Elif; Erden, Feyza (2023-01-01)
The effects of Motivational Enhancement Training on the motivation and vocational-outcome expectations of male preservice preschool teachers
Sak, Ramazan; Şahin Sak, İkbal Tuba; Öneren-Şendil, Çağla; Erden, Feyza; Tuncer, Nuran; Taşkın, Necdet (2023-01-01)
This study examines the effects of Motivational Enhancement Training on male preservice preschool teachers’ motivation and vocational-outcome expectations, using a randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Of the 3...
Fostering Turkish Early Childhood Teachers' Professional Growth about Education for Sustainability through Media Literacy
Alici, Sule; Şahin, Volkan (2023-01-01)
This article aims to document the findings of a professional development intervention study seeking to promote in-service preschool teachers' professional growth about education for sustainability (EfS) through media liter...
Pre-schoolers in nature: A five-week play & learning experience within a Turkish context
Sevimli Çelik, Serap; Canaslan-Akyar, Begum (2023-01-01)
Programme-based experiences of preschool teachers regarding support of children's social skills
Demirci, Zeliha; Erden, Feyza (2022-12-01)
Providing social skills to children through an appropriate educational programme positively affects their overall development. The aim of this study was to examine the views and experiences of 13 Turkish preschool teachers...
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