Book Review: Islamic Architecture and Art in Croatia Ottoman and Contemporary Heritage


Book Review: Building Modern Turkey: State, Space and Ideology in the Early Republic
Altan, Tomris Elvan (2017-01-01)
Book Review: Truth, Change, Knowledge And Understanding
Hernandez, Jorge Mejía (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
Evaluation indicators for selection of sustainable building materials
Canarslan, Özgecan; Elias Özkan, Soofia Tahira; Department of Building Science in Architecture (2007)
Environmental issues have gained importance due to global environmental threat, such as depletion of energy resources and the impacts of climate change. The building sector is responsible for almost half of the impacts on the environment. Hence, this study focuses on the importance of environmental impacts of building materials. In this regard, firstly, sustainability indicators for building materials were determined and the environmental impacts of selected building materials were studied. Then, the evalua...
Evaluation of architectural and consciousness exploration architecture-based issues in seismic design
Mendi, H. Evgin; Ünay, Ali İhsan; Department of Architecture (2005)
The task of ءearthquake resistant design̕ of buildings is generally considered as the province of engineering profession. Although there exists considerable number of publications related to seismic design (documentations, articles, theses, books, and earthquake codes), most of them are addressed to structural engineers rather than architects. However, earthquake affects whole building and all professionals involved in construction process should have their own roles and responsibilities for earthquake resi...
Value assessment for defining the conservation principles for Kayseri Sümerbank Bez Fabrikası
Eldek, Hikmet; Gökce, Fuat; Restoration in Department of Architecture (2007)
Conservation of industrial heritage is a very popular issue in last years. But this conservation studies are not adequate so a lot of industrial complexes which effected architectural features of industrial buildings, style of producing, production and economic history and social life of citizens, are face to face with being demolished. These complexes should be preserved and inherited to the next generations. One of these complexes is Kayseri Sumerbank Bez Fabrikası which was established in Early Republica...