Çevre Psikolojisi Kavramlarıyla Bir Filmin Analizi: THX 1138

Çalğıcı Kılıç, Pınar
There is a space-based interaction between environmental psychology, architecture and cinema. In order to exemplify this interaction, the basic concepts of environmental psychology are utilized in the study of a dystopian science fiction film THX 1138 (Lucas, 1971). It is observed that the reinterpretation of the basic concepts of environmental psychology strengthened the dystopic fiction of the film, THX 1138 as a case. From this point of view, the interaction among environmental psychology, architecture and cinema are explained by following a deductive methodology. In the content of this study, firstly the interaction among environmental psychology, architecture and cinema is discussed before analyzing the spaces of the film. This analysis has shown that some of the basic concepts of environmental psychology are reinterpreted through the spaces of the film. The reinterpretations are as follows: 'place attachment', 'place identity', 'privacy', 'spatial perception' and 'territoriality'. Especially among these concepts, the concept of 'privacy' is found to be important to strengthen the dystopic fiction of the film. It is also observed that, this characteristic of the film is founded on the loss of the fundamental rights and freedoms due to normalization of the absence of privacy by the society. With its emphasis on the interaction among environmental psychology, architecture and cinema this paper sets out to clarify this interaction by spatial readings made from the selected film.


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Citation Formats
P. Çalğıcı Kılıç, “Çevre Psikolojisi Kavramlarıyla Bir Filmin Analizi: THX 1138,” ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 63–80, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: http://jfa.arch.metu.edu.tr/archive/0258-5316/2013/cilt30/sayi_2/63-80.pdf.