Geological and geochemical studies at the Kalkım region(Çanakkale-Turkey).

Tekinturhan, Bahattin


Geological and geochemical evaluation of the geothermal areas in western Anatolia
Namoğlu, A Coşkun; Güleç, Nilgün Türkan; Department of Geological Engineering (1997)
Geological and thermal characterization of EskiAYehir region oil shales
Kök, Mustafa Verşan (2014-04-01)
In this study, geological consideration and thermal characterization of oil shale samples were studied. Geological considerations of oil shale samples were studied using Rock-Eval analysis and it was observed that the kerogen type of all oil shale samples were in the majority of Type-I and II. Thermal characteristics and kinetics analysis of oil shale samples were studied by non isothermal differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG/DTG). In air atmosphere, two different mechanisms caus...
Geological considerations for the economic evaluation of oil shale deposits in Turkey
Şener, Mehmet; Şengüler, Ilker; Kök, Mustafa Verşan (Elsevier BV, 1995-7)
Geological information is given on four oil shale fields in middle and western Anatolia: Himmetoǧlu, Seyitömer, Beypazari{dotless} and Hati{dotless}ldaǧ. Some petrological, geochemical, Fischer assay and fluidized bed combustion test results for the oil shales are also presented. As a result of economic evaluation, it was concluded that Himmetoǧlu oil shale is the most appropriate for domestic and industrial utilization.
Geological, hydrogeological and geochemical analysis of the geothermal systems in The Büyük Menderes Graben
Güdücü, Hatice; Karahanoğlu, Nurkan; Department of Geological Engineering (2012)
Geothermal reservoirs have become very popular in the last decades due to their renewable energy contents. Turkey has a high geothermal energy potential; especially Western Anatolia is a promising region in terms of its highest energy. Büyük Menderes Graben system is a tectonically active extensional region and is undergoing a N–S extension leading to form geothermal fields in the graben. In the last decade, geothermal exploration, investigations and investments have been increased rapidly through the law r...
Geological and Geotechnical Evaluation of the Yenişehir Settlement Area Bursa Turkey
Doyuran, Vedat; Topal, Tamer; Yazıcıgil, Hasan; Karahanoğlu, Nurkan; Toprak, Vedat; Süzen, Mehmet Lütfi; Yesilnacar, Ertan (2001-08-02)
Citation Formats
B. Tekinturhan, “Geological and geochemical studies at the Kalkım region(Çanakkale-Turkey).,” Middle East Technical University, 1975.