Minority ethnic mobilization in the Russian federation.



Turks fighting back against anti-evolution forces
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Segregation dynamics with reinforcement learning and agent based modeling
Sert, Egemen; Bar-Yam, Yaneer; Morales, Alfredo J. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-7-16)
Societies are complex. Properties of social systems can be explained by the interplay and weaving of individual actions. Rewards are key to understand people's choices and decisions. For instance, individual preferences of where to live may lead to the emergence of social segregation. In this paper, we combine Reinforcement Learning (RL) with Agent Based Modeling (ABM) in order to address the self-organizing dynamics of social segregation and explore the space of possibilities that emerge from considering d...
Time-wise variation of scouring at bridge abutments
Yanmaz, Ali Melih (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2007-06-01)
Accurate estimation of the maximum possible depth of scour at bridge C, abutments is important in decision-making for the safe depth of burial of footings. Besides, investigation of the geometric features of scour holes around abutments provides useful information for the degree of scour counter-measure to be implemented against excessive scouring. Experiments have been performed to investigate time-dependent characteristics of scour holes around vertical wall abutments under clear water conditions with uni...
Altitude adaptation in Tibetans caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA
Huerta-Sanchez, Emilia; et. al. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014-08-14)
As modern humans migrated out of Africa, they encountered many new environmental conditions, including greater temperature extremes, different pathogens and higher altitudes. These diverse environments are likely to have acted as agents of natural selection and to have led to local adaptations. One of the most celebrated examples in humans is the adaptation of Tibetans to the hypoxic environment of the high-altitude Tibetan plateau(1-3). A hypoxia pathway gene, EPAS1, was previously identified as having the...
Optical and mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix optically transparent composites
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The idea of increasing the fracture resistance of optically transparent Ceramics by incorporation of continuous fibers with a small expense in their light transmission was applied to a SiC (SCS-6) fiber-reinforced magnesium aluminate spinel matrix composite. It was found that although there is a slight decrease in the light transmittance of the transparent monolithic matrix with increasing fiber volume fraction, a fail-safe mechanism appeared in the composite by the bridging effect of the intact fibers
Citation Formats
O. F. Tanrısever, “Minority ethnic mobilization in the Russian federation.,” SLAVONIC AND EAST EUROPEAN REVIEW, pp. 783–784, 2004, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/55350.