Statistical analysis of wind waves at Ordu and Akuyu (Mersin).

Acar, Soner Osman


Statistical analysis of underground accidents in Tunçbilek Türkiye based on risk management techniques
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Statistical analysis of discontinuity parameters of Gölbaşı (Ankara) andesites, Süpren (Eskişehir) marble, and Porsuk Dam (Eskişehir) peridotite
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A completed part of the Bolu Tunnel at Elmalık side collapsed during the 1999 Düzce earthquake. In order to by-pass the collapsed section, a new tunnel route was determined. 474 meters of the new route, including two portals and double tubing, crossed through the weak to very weak rock units with intersecting fault gouge, excavated from Elmalık side. In this study, the characteristics of the rock masses and support classes are determined for new route of the Elmalik Side. Then, during the tunnel excavation,...
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In this thesis a fluid-structure coupling procedure which consists of a commercial flow solver, FLUENT, a finite element structural solver, MSC/NASTRAN, and the coupling interface between the two disciplines is developed in order to solve static and dynamic aeroelastic problems. The flow solver relies on inviscid Euler equations with finite volume discretization. In order to perform faster computations, multiple processors are parallelized. Closely coupled approach is used to solve the coupled field aeroela...
Citation Formats
S. O. Acar, “Statistical analysis of wind waves at Ordu and Akuyu (Mersin).,” Middle East Technical University, 1983.