Jordan Conservation of Cultural Heritage in ERA (JOCHERA)

"The Jordan Conservation of Cultural Heritage in ERA – JOCHERA project is aiming at overall reinforcement of University of Jordan, Hamdi Mango Center for Scientific Research (HMCSR) in Jordan cooperation capacities for cultural heritage protection research in the context of the European Research Area and development to the Conservation centre of excellence to respond to Jordan’s socio-economic needs. Corresponding with EU challenges for international S&T cooperation and integration in ERA, as well specific development needs of UJ and particular Jordan’s demands in cultural heritage protection sector, in particular 1) UJ’s cooperation capacities reinforcement through targeted trainings for research management, IPR issues and FP7 projects writing and management; 2) cultural heritage stakeholders involvement in the future strategy formulation; 3) UJ strengthening for internationalization and improved coordination between research and business stakeholders; 4) Enhancement of EU-JO S&T partnerships in cultural heritage protection research and related research results dissemination to Jordanian and European audiences; 5)Jordan young researchers support in fields of cultural heritage protection research. The JOCHERA impact will be increased capacities of the UJ in terms of (i) better research and innovation management, (ii) improved international S&T cooperation and participation in FP7, (iii) enhanced cultural heritage protection research capacities, and (v) defined strategic development framework in order to increase UJ visibility and scope. Likewise, JOCHERA will increase research and innovation linkages within Jordan in particular with SMEs, enable better opportunities to young researchers and enhance EU-JO RTD cooperation landscape. The JOCHERA consortium brings together 5 Jordanian and EU organisations representing a well-defined mix of expertise for strategic development, innovation management and technological foresight. The project duration is 24 months."


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Citation Formats
A. Tavukçuoğlu, “Jordan Conservation of Cultural Heritage in ERA (JOCHERA),” 2013. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: