The Demand for Dairy Products in Turkey: The Impact of Household Composition on Consumption

Koç, Ali
Tan, Sibel
This study estimates different Engel Curves (in the forms of “Working-Leser”, AIDS with unit value, and double-log) for different dairy products in Turkey. The study provides expenditure elasticities for four dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese and butter). Own-price elasticities are also calculated for cheese and butter. Household composition effects on cheese and milk consumption are determined by the study. Results indicate that addition of an extra person to a household has a negative impact on per capita cheese and milk expenditure. This negative impact increases with age.


The Determinants of food inflation in Turkey
Erol, Erdal; Yıldırım Kasap, Dilem; Department of Economics (2017)
The major aim of this study is to find out the best models which identifies the determinants of food inflation in Turkey over the period 2003(1)-2013(12). To this end, a linear ARIMAX model is constructed by adopting an exhaustive search algorithm that is designed to select the model with most appropriate food inflation correlates. The best two models out of all candidate models having the minimum AIC and BIC values are evaluated in the estimation and prediction analyses. Roughly, our empirical results reve...
The nature of persistence in Turkish real exchange rates
Erlat, Haluk (Informa UK Limited, 2003-03-01)
The objective of this paper is to investigate the persistence in Turkish real exchange rates (RER) using unit root tests and autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA) models. We consider two RERs, one in terms of the German DM and the other in terms of the US$. ne plots of these RERs (based on both wholesale price indices and consumer price indices)for the period 1984.01-2000.09 reveal that they contain multiple shifts in their deterministic terms, one of which may need to be treated as...
Türkiye’de Gelir Gruplarına Göre Gıda Talebi
Şengül, Seda (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2004-6)
Türkiye’de gelir gruplarına göre hanelerin gıda talepleri iki aşamalı modelle belirlenmiştir. Hanelerin toplulastırılmış gıda taleplerini belirlemek için birinci aşamada Working-Leser modeli, gıda alt gruplarına ilişkin taleplerini belirlemek için ikinci aşamada ise Doğrusal Formda Yaklaşık deal Talep sistemi uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın verileri D E 1994 Hanehalkı Tüketim Harcamaları Anketi verileridir. Orta, yüksek ve en yüksek gelir gruplarındaki hanelerin gıda taleplerinin fiyatlara, gelire ve sosyo-demog...
The effects of agricultural liberalization on sectoral water use: A CGE Model for Turkey
Çırpıcı, Yasemin Asu (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2011-8)
The aim of this study is to construct a water-CGE model for Turkey in order to examine the effects of a reduction in agricultural tariff rates on Turkey’s international trade and on agricultural water use. With agricultural trade liberalization Turkey becomes a net importer of the agricultural products. The agricultural production declines resulting in a reduction in the agricultural water use. The same simulation is considered with an increase in agricultural productivity. The trade distortions resulted fr...
The relationship between income and environment in Turkey: Is there an environmental Kuznets curve?
Akbostancı Özkazanç, Elif; Tunç, Gül İpek (2009-03-01)
A B S T R A C T In this study, we investigate the relationship between income and environmental quality for Turkey at two levels. First, the relationship between the CO(2) emissions and per capita income is examined by the help of a time series model using cointegration techniques. In the second stage, the relationship between income and air pollution is investigated by using PM(10) and SO(2) measurements in Turkish provinces. In this part of the study panel data estimation techniques are utilized. The time...
Citation Formats
A. Koç and S. Tan, “The Demand for Dairy Products in Turkey: The Impact of Household Composition on Consumption,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 169–181, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: