Time domain formulation procedures of linear RLC networks from energy distribution aspect.

Ölçerel, Öner


Time filtered second order backward Euler method for EMAC formulation of Navier-Stokes equations
Demir, Medine; Çıbık, Aytekin; Kaya Merdan, Songül (2022-12-15)
© 2022 Elsevier Inc.This paper considers the backward Euler based linear time filtering method for the developed energy-momentum-angular momentum conserving (EMAC) formulation of the time dependent-incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the case of weakly enforced divergence constraint. The method adds time filtering as a post-processing step to the EMAC formulation to enhance the accuracy and to improve the approximate solutions. We show that in comparison with the Backward-Euler based EMAC formulation ...
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Over the last few decades, noise related concerns have played a major role in the development of aircraft engines. The previously dominant jet noise mechanisms are now being replaced by tonal and broadband noise from the fan and interactions from the fan wakes and the downstream stator. Alternately, engine inlet and exhaust ducts are being fitted with sophisticated liner materials that aid in damping fan related noise. In this paper, the authors investigate the radiation problem from the engine inlets with ...
Time domain scattering from single and multiple objects
Azizoğlu, Süha Alp; Koç, Seyit Sencer; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2008)
The importance of the T-matrix method is well-known when frequency domain scattering problems are of interest. With the relatively recent and wide-spread interest in time domain scattering problems, similar applications of the T-matrix method are expected to be useful in the time domain. In this thesis, the time domain spherical scalar wave functions are introduced, translational addition theorems for the time domain spherical scalar wave functions necessary for the solution of multiple scattering problems ...
Time-dependent shape factors for uniform and non-uniform pressure boundary conditions
Rangel-german, Edgar R.; Kovscek, Anthony R.; Akın, Serhat (null; 2003-12-01)
Citation Formats
Ö. Ölçerel, “Time domain formulation procedures of linear RLC networks from energy distribution aspect.,” Middle East Technical University, 1975.