Investigation of deterioration mechanisms of Yazılıkaya tuffs in Midas monument (Eskişehir-Turkey)

Sözmen, Burak


Investigation of blast induced ground vibration and air blast around Uşak Kışladağ gold mine
Tanrıseven, Esra Nur; Bilgin, Hasan Aydın; Department of Mining Engineering (2018)
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of blasting operations conducted in Kışladağ Open Pit Gold Mine on surrounding villages in terms of ground vibration and air shock in the light of commonly used regulations. Moreover, it is aimed to give site specific propagation laws for future blasts and to determine safe explosive amounts that can be blasted at the same time not to exceed safe ground vibration limits in the villages. Kışladağ Gold Mine is located in the middle of three settlements; G...
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Atasu, Merve; Çamur, Mehmet Zeki; Department of Geological Engineering (2022-2)
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Investigation Of Limestone Formation Damage Kireçtaşi Formasyon Hasarinin İncelenmesi
Baǧci, Suat; Kök, Mustafa Verşan (2002-02-01)
The laboratory studies undertaken to evaluate and understand formation damage in limestone reservoirs were summarized. The influence of brine composition, salinity of alkaline fluid and injection rate on formation damage were evaluated in unconsolidated cores. In limestone formations, formation water, which was used in injection, and artificially prepared brine in various concentrations, caused the permeability reduction. High pH values in produced water caused the permeability reduction and consequently th...
Investment banking in Turkey a case study of Yatırımbank A.Ş.
Kılıç, Vedia Işıl; Tileylioğlu, Alaeddin; Department of Business Administration (1995)
Incommensurate faz içeren ferroelektrik kristallerde bellek etkisinin incelenmesi
Özdemir, Selahattin; Bucurgat, Mahmut(1999)
Bu proje ile incommensurate (IC) yapı içeren ferroelektrik kristallerden TlIn$S_2$ kullanılarak yapılan bir seri deney sayesinde bu çeşit kristallerde görülen ısıl bellek ılayının daha iyi anlaşılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak pyroelektrik akım, karanlık akım, fotoiletkenlik ve ısıl uyarılmış akım ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiş ayrıca pyroelektrik akım yöntemi kullanılarak TlIn$S_2$ kristalinin sıcaklığa bağlı spontan polarizasyonu geniş bir sıcaklık aralığında (80-300K) ölçülmüştür. TlIn$S_2$ kri...
Citation Formats
B. Sözmen, “Investigation of deterioration mechanisms of Yazılıkaya tuffs in Midas monument (Eskişehir-Turkey),” Middle East Technical University, 2000.