Letter from Turkey

Rehberg, Andrea
This letter reports on the current state of philosophy in Turkey, describing in detail the academic landscape with its specificities and the principal traditions and fields of interest within the university faculty and amongst students. Furthermore, it gives an overview of the specific importance of political philosophy for Turkey, elaborating on how the Enlightenment, hierarchisation, polarisation and cultural conflict shape the country's intellectual discussions and political practice. The letter closes with a short summary of problems plaguing the Turkish educational sector and contains some practical counsel to foreign philosophers wanting to work in Turkey or with Turkish philosophy students. Keywords: Turkey, philosophy, philosophy in Turkey, Turkish culture,


Veiled Islam : a deconstructive Sufi formation
Avanoğlu, Ayşe Serap; Topal, Çağatay; Department of Social Anthropology (2012)
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Is cultural neurophılosophy possible? /
Tümkaya, Serdal; Sol, Ayhan; Department of Philosophy (2014)
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Plato's solution of the problem of falsehood in The Sophist
Uçak, Özgür; Grünberg, David; Department of Philosophy (2005)
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Art(s) of becoming: performative encounters in contemporary political art
Akkın, İbrahim Okan; Parkan, Barış; Department of Philosophy (2017)
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Citation Formats
A. Rehberg, “Letter from Turkey,” DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHILOSOPHIE, pp. 796–805, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/63596.