The use of short fiction in teaching reading to intermediate students of English.

Akın, Kumru


The Use of multiplayer online computer games in developing EFL skills
Altınbaş, Mehmet Emre; Savaş, Perihan; Department of English Language Teaching (2018)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the outcomes of using multiplayer online computer games for the development of EFL skills. For this purpose, the study employed a sequential mixed-methods design in which quantitative and qualitative data was collected by 13 multiplayer online gamer EFL learners studying at a private university in Konya, Turkey. The quantitative data was collected through the analysis of the English proficiency levels of the participants before and after a gaming period in whi...
The use of episodic and semantic memory systems in classroom context regarding time delay and college experience level
Elibol-Pekaslan, Nur; Şahin Acar, Başak (Wiley, 2018-11-01)
This study aimed to examine freshmen and senior college students' episodic and semantic memory use in classroom context regarding short and long time delays and college experience level. Data were collected in 2014 and 2017, right after students' final exams (T1) and 5 weeks later (T2). Students were given exemplar questions from their final exams and asked whether they remembered a specific learning episode (episodic memory), if they knew the information (semantic memory), or they guessed the answer while ...
Saat Çizme Testinin Çocuk ve Ergenler için Gelişimsel ve Klinik Gösterge Olarak Kullanımı
Erden, Gülsen; Uluç, Sait (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2022-2)
Saat çizme testi [SÇT], yürütücü işlevleri, motor planlama becerisini ve görsel uzamsal becerileri inceleyen nöropsikolojik bir değerlendirme aracıdır. Görgül çalışmalar, SÇT'nin genel bilişsel işlev düzeyini iyi yordayan geçerli ve güvenilir bir araç olduğunu göstermektedir. Ek olarak, klinik çalışmalar SÇT'nin bilişsel becerilerdeki bozulmanın iyi bir göstergesi olduğuna işaret etmiştir. SÇT, yetişkinlerin ve yaşlıların bilişsel yeteneklerini değerlendirmek için en yaygın kullanılan tarama araçlarından bi...
The use of an electrolytic-tank for network synthesis and analysis.
Esen, Halil Haşmet; Department of Electrical Engineering (1963)
ESKICIOGLU, H (Elsevier BV, 1992-01-01)
The use of expert systems is a break-through in solving problems which require complex decision-making based on the past experience of an expert human being rather than relying on sequential algorithms which include simple combination of logical rules and calculations. Expert system building tools are programming systems developed to facilitate the construction of expert systems in a particular domain with less effort and in a relatively shorter time. Expert system building tools are now moving from Lisp ma...
Citation Formats
K. Akın, “The use of short fiction in teaching reading to intermediate students of English.,” Middle East Technical University, 1986.