Effect of conceptual change text instruction on students' understanding of chemical change and conservation of mass concepts

Bayır, Gülsüm


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the conceptual change text based instruction on ninth grade students’ understanding of ecological concepts, and attitudes toward biology and environment. Participants were 82 ninth grade students in a public high school in the Northwestern Turkey. A treatment was employed over a five-week period with quasi-experimental design. While two classes were called control group, two classes were called experimental group. Each teacher had one control group ...
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Düzgün, Hafize Şebnem; Bhasin, R. K. (2007-05-31)
Probabilistic rock slope stability analyses are essential to risk assessments, as risk is defined by the probability of occurrence of an instability multiplied by the consequences of the failure. Usually, probabilistic rock slope stability problems are modeled using the Coulomb failure criterion since it is linear, providing simple modeling algorithms. It is acknowledged widely that rock slope stability problems may exhibit non-linear failure behavior, leading to consideration of non-linear limit equilibriu...
Effect of cooperative learning based on conceptual change conditions on seventh grade students' understanding of classification of matter and physical and chemical changes
Erdemir (Özdemir), Arzu; Özgenel, Lale; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2006)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the cooperative learning based on conceptual change conditions and traditionally designed science instruction on 7th grade students̕ understanding of chemical and physical changes and classification of matter concepts and attitudes toward science as a school subject. In this study 102 seventh grade students from four classes of a Science Course instructed by the two teachers from ODTÜ G.V. Özel Ilkögretim Okulu took part. One of the classes ...
Effect of science methods course on science teaching efficacy beliefs of Turkish preservice science teachers
Atasoy, Volkan; Çakıroğlu, Jale (2015-06-10)
Citation Formats
G. Bayır, “Effect of conceptual change text instruction on students’ understanding of chemical change and conservation of mass concepts,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.