About the decomposability of almost completely decomposable groups

Budak, Canan
Almost completely decomposable groups are extensions of completely decomposable groups of finite index. They can be written as a sum of indecomposables. Every almost completely decomposable group is the direct sum of indecomposables but this decomposition is quite complicated and not unique. Almost completely decomposable groups can be represented by matrices, called coordinate matrices. If the coordinate matrix of a given almost completely decomposable group is decomposable then the group is decomposable. Under some restrictions, for example considering a weakening of isomorphism, called near-isomorphism some spacial classes of almost completely decomposable groups can be classified.


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Beauville structures in p-groups
Gül, Şükran; Ercan, Gülin; Fernández-Alcober, Gustavo Adolfo; Department of Mathematics (2016)
Given a finite group G and two elements x, y in G, we denote by Sigma(x,y) the union of all conjugates of the cyclic subgroups generated by x, y and xy. Then G is called a Beauville group of unmixed type if the following conditions hold: (i) G is a 2-generator group. (ii) G has two generating sets {x1,y1} and {x2, y2} such that Sigma (x1, y1) intersection Sigma(x2, y2) is 1. In this case, {x1, y1} and {x2, y2} are said to form a Beauville structure for G. The main purpose of this thesis is to extend the kn...
The Influence of some embedding properties of subgroups on the structure of a finite group
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Fixed point free action on groups of odd order
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Citation Formats
C. Budak, “About the decomposability of almost completely decomposable groups,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2020.