Interactive object based analysis and manipulation of digital video

Eren, Pekin Erhan
Fu, Yue
With the advent of MPEG-4, object-based natural/synthetic hybrid multimedia content is becoming more ubiquitous. In this paper, we address object-based interactive analysis of natural video for editing/authoring natural/synthetic hybrid content. Boundary and local motion of video objects are described by snake and 2-D mesh representations, respectively. The 2-D mesh modeling in effect performs a mapping of a natural video object into a computer graphics representation, namely geometry with motion and a texture map; thus allowing for easy editing of natural video objects using tools already developed in computer graphics. This paper presents the components of a tool designed for interactive video object analysis and editing using graphical models whose syntax and semantics conform with VRML and MPEG-4 standards. The analysis tool is developed using Java and C++, while rendering and editing are performed within VRML or MPEG-4 browsers and authoring tools. Demonstrations of the video analysis and editing are included.


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With the technology improvements, managing a large amount of multimedia objects such as audio, video, picture or a combination of these has become possible. Multimedia data needs more real time storage and high data transfer than traditional textual and numeric data. In addition to these requirements, significant amount of computation is demanded for multimedia applications to serve many users at the same time. Due to these reasons, cloud computing is the emerging technology necessary for the multimedia inf...
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Music driven real-time 3D concert simulation
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Citation Formats
P. E. Eren, Y. Fu, and A. M. TEKALP, “Interactive object based analysis and manipulation of digital video,” 1998, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: