Kamusallığın Üretimi Olarak Kentsel Estetik

Dosya 23 TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi


Kamusallık Yeniden İnşa Edilirken
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (2013-07-01)
The Role of urban agriculture in enhancing public space; an evaluation of types
Aminoleslami Oskouei, Sadaf; Alanyalı Aral, Ela.; Department of Architecture (2019)
Food is the essential element of human existence; thus the growing, distribution and providing access to food for citizens is one of the most important issues of the cities. World‘s population has been escalating rapidly in the last decades, and many cities still witness a flow of migration from rural areas. One of the major problems of cities is the decrease in the amount of open public spaces and the quality of social and public life of inhabitants; which also causes the lack of experience of outdoor spac...
Transformation of public space : the case of Hacibayram Square
Kulözü, Neslihan; Günay, Baykan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2008)
Public space has been an important social and political space throughout the history. Although there are various definitions of the term public space in the literature, it can be defined as a place of interaction and social contact among different groups and individuals. Besides, the meaning, form and function of public spaces differ due to different socio-cultural structures of societies. The form of a public space is an essential urban design issue. Moreover, the meaning and function of a space have been ...
Mobility and the role of pedestrian in making public space: Mersin Coastal Park
Belge, Züleyha Sara; Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge; Department of City and Regional Planning (2020)
Public space, being an inevitable component of cities, is an evolving space that transforms, expands or shrinks. Public spaces of cities, in general, constitute squares and streets that are open to the use of the whole society freely. Recreative areas, parks, coastal areas, most of the open spaces and public buildings, such as schools, administrative centres, are also other forms of public spaces. Over the last four decades, private or quasi-private public spaces, like shopping malls, and the privatization ...
The transformation of public space: city squares as locations for power struggle - the case of Tehran
Soltani, Zohreh; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2011)
This thesis explores the transformation of public spaces, with reference to power relations and the struggle for power. In this regard Tehran has been chosen as the main concern and the case of the study, while in its short history of being the political center of the country, the city has been hosting several uprisings and political tensions that are projected on the body of the city. The agencies of this power struggle will be analyzed sociologically and politically, to comprehend the way public spaces of...
Citation Formats
H. Ç. Keskinok, “Kamusallığın Üretimi Olarak Kentsel Estetik,” Dosya 23 TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/70737.