Preservice Biology Teachers Perceived Efficacy Beliefs in Teaching Biology

Savran Gencer, Ayşe
Çakıroğlu, Jale
Self-efficacy beliefs have received increasing attention in educational studies. According to Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, self-efficacy was measuredas two distinct constructs, personal self-efficacy and outcome expectancy. Self-efficacy can be defined as the teachers' belief in hislher ability to perform teaching; and outcome expectancy reflects a teacher's belief that student achievement can be influenced by effective teaching. The purpose of this study is to assess preservice biology teachers' self-efficacy beliefs with regard to biology teaching. For this purpose, Biology Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (BTEBI) was administered to 29 preservice biology teachers at the Middle East Technical University. The results indicated positive efficacy beliefs expressed by the most of the preservice teachers regarding their ability to teach biology
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi


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Citation Formats
A. Savran Gencer and J. Çakıroğlu, “Preservice Biology Teachers Perceived Efficacy Beliefs in Teaching Biology,” Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, pp. 105–112, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: