Audıo-visual portfolio: an alternative way of speaking assessment



Accıdent severıty predıctıon of zonguldak dıstrıct underground coal mınes by machıne learnıng technıques
Özdemir Aydın, Merve; Karpuz, Celal; Department of Mining Engineering (2022-8-15)
Underground coal mining is considered among the most dangerous sectors in the world due to the accidents. Thus, this study aims to build an accident severity prediction model for underground coal mines by using decision tree, support vector machine, and neural network algorithms. Defining the severity of accidents will provide an effective way of preventing risks that will cause serious accidents. This study also aims to fill the gap in the literature related to designing accident severity prediction models...
AunPtn clusters adsorbed on graphene studied by first-principles calculations
Akturk, Olcay Uzengi; Tomak, Mehmet (2009-08-01)
In this work, we present the adsorption of AunPtn clusters on graphene surface by using the density-functional theory within localized density approximation (LDA), and generalized gradient approximation (GGA). We calculate the adsorption energy, geometries, band structure, charge differences, and magnetization up to n=3. We observe that graphene can be metallic or semiconducting depending on number of Au and Pt atoms in the cluster and the charge transfer between cluster and the graphene. LDA and GGA result...
AiOLoS: A model for assessing organizational learning in software development organizations
Chouseinoglou, Oumout; Iren, Deniz; Karagöz, Nuri Alpay; Bilgen, Semih (2013-11-01)
Context: In an industry in which technological developments are rapid, in order to keep up with the continuously increasing competition and to obtain competitive advantage, the software development organizations (SDOs) need to obtain the correct knowledge, use it efficiently and pass it to future projects evolving it accordingly.
Accomodating Diversity Within Feminism İn Turkey : The Amargi Women’s Cooperative, 2001-2011
Özakın, Ayşe Ülkü; Aslan Akman, Canan; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2012)
In this thesis, Amargi Women’s Cooperative in Istanbul is studied as an example of diversity feminism in Turkey. Its feminist perspective and challenges faced in realizing its objectives in this context are analyzed based on a description of the process of Amargi’s formation, the course of its activities and the debates within the group and especially the in-depth interviews held with ten volunteers. The group’s accomplishments and problems encountered during the last ten years in its quest for “doing polit...
Artvin bottom outlet aeration: an innovative arrangement
Comelli, Mathieu; Aydın, İsmail; Nurhat, Enver; Chambas, Pierreantonie (null; 2018-10-14)
Citation Formats
S. Tekir, Audıo-visual portfolio: an alternative way of speaking assessment. 2020, p. 77.