Gender, gender role orientation, and sexual attitudes among Turkish college students


Gender, Religiosity, Sexual Activity, Sexual Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Controversial Aspects of Sexuality
Sümer, Zeynep (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015-12-01)
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of gender, religiosity, sexual activity, and sexual knowledge in predicting attitudes toward controversial aspects of sexuality among Turkish university students. Participants were 162 female and 135 male undergraduate students who were recruited on a volunteer basis from an urban state university in Turkey. The SKAT-A Attitude Scale along with background information form, sexual activities inventory, and sexual knowledge scale were administered to the partic...
Gender role influences on Turkish adolescents' self-identity
Yıldırım, Ali (1997-03-01)
This study investigated gender role influences on Turkish adolescents' self-identity process as part of the International Self-Identity Research Project. A total of 154 male and 119 female adolescents ages 14 through 17 from urban and rural areas of Turkey were surveyed through a questionnaire. The results indicated that ''family'' was the dominant source of belongingness for both males and females, followed by ''friendships'' and ''school.'' Friendships and education were valued more by females than by mal...
Gender-role orientations and perceived parental attitudes of METU preparatory school students
Siviş, Rahşan; Demir, Ayhan; Department of Educational Sciences (1999)
Gender roles and community formation in Kurdish migrant women
Akbay, Hivda; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2003)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the intersecting dynamics of gender and ethnic identities for Kurdish migrant women in Turkey. For this aim it attempts to investigate Kurdish migrant women's everyday lives in their private and public domains, which include in-family, out-family social and economic relations. It is expected that Kurdish women's gender and ethnic identities will intersect in these domains and will be effective in creating a specific ethnic community identity. For this re...
Gender and Age Differences in Basic Personality Traits and Interpersonal Problems Across Young Adulthood
Akyunus, Miray; Gençöz, Tülin (2016-07-01)
Citation Formats
Z. Sümer, “Gender, gender role orientation, and sexual attitudes among Turkish college students,” 2008, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: sexual_attitudes_among_turkish_college_students/.