Against Paralogy: The so-called Necrosis in the Postmodern Body

Yeditepe’de Felsefe


Against the Aphanisis of the Subject: Rewriting the Myth of Black Woman in Grace Nichols's The Fat Black Woman's Poems
Gunday, Merve; Birlik, Nurten (2020-12-01)
The present study explores Afro-Caribbean poet Grace Nichols's "The Black Women Goes Shopping," "Beauty," "Looking at Miss World," and "Invitation" from her poetry collection The Fat Black Woman's Poems (1984) in relation to the concept of aphanisis. Based on a post-Lacanian analysis, the essay argues that against the dominant discourse of the civilizational ideal, Humanism, that silences black women by categorizing them as sexualized and racialized others, Nichols's poetic personae rewrite themselves by ev...
Gray's value-puralism: a critical analysis
Parmaksız, Abdullah Umut; Üstüner, Fahriye ; Department of Psychology (2007)
In this study, John Gray’s theory of value-pluralism is critically analyzed. Gray’s modus vivendi, based on Isaiah Berlin’s criticism of monism, is a theory that aims to create the conditions in which peace and diversity in late-modern societies can be protected. Gray argues that a legally pluralistic system where collectives have autonomy is more serving to peace than its liberal alternatives. This study argues that Gray fails to achieve its goal of promoting diversity. This is due to the fact that Gray’s ...
Intervening to urban decline by urban design tools in divided cities: Lefkoşa
Özdemir, Sıla; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine; Department of City and Regional Planning (2014)
Urban decline in walled cities has been condemned to be a significant phenomenon in different fields as political economy, urban design, city planning and urban sociology. The aim of the study is to determine the association between physical urban space and social urban space in declined walled cities and handle the fact of urban decline in a two dimensional point of view by examining both the social space and physical space as well as the part and the whole in an integrated approach. The integration of soc...
Neo-Iranian Nationalism: Pre-Islamic Grandeur and Shi'i Eschatology in President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's Rhetoric
Fozi, Navid (The Middle East Journal, 2016-03-01)
In 2009, Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad began to invoke nationalist sentiments by paying homage to Iran's pre-Islamic history; a significant shift from 30 years of disparaging this period. Tracing the religious and political genealogies of Ahmadinejad's discourse, this article analyzes the climate that rendered both the Islamic Republic's Shi'i-oriented nationalism and the secular alternative proposed by the Pahlavi dynasty politically inadequate. Such a climate provided conditions to amalgamate, albe...
Saluting the sun under the shadow of neoliberalism: an ethnographic study of yoga teacher training course attendees and yoga teachers
Aydıner Juchat, Pelin; Karababa, Eminegül; Department of Social Anthropology (2019)
This study is based on a six months ethnographic research conducted in Ankara with yoga trainers and yoga teacher training course attendees. Individuals subject to the study were dreaming of creating an alternative space, adopting a new profession and a new way of life by becoming professional yoga teachers. While the neoliberal dynamics that lead to the need for such an escape were questioned, the commercialization and institutionalization of yoga and yoga teacher training programs were also analyzed. This...
Citation Formats
A. Karademir, “Against Paralogy: The so-called Necrosis in the Postmodern Body,” Yeditepe’de Felsefe, pp. 120–149, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: