From market places to place marketing spaces Changing inclusivity of evolving public spaces

UIA 2005 Istanbul – XXII World Congress of Architecture (Cities: Grand Bazaar of ArchitectureS)


From houses to house museums: architectural representation of different narrations
Günhan, Aslıhan; Savaş Sargın, Ayşen; Department of Architecture (2011)
The transformation of historic houses into house museums is not only a current issue within the field of museology, but also a new phenomenon for architecture. The deconstruction of the term “house museum” into “house” and “museum” and the meaning these terms acquire, have the potential to generate a new discussion in architecture. Besides being a physical dwelling unit, “house” will be interpreted as a domestic space where the inhabitants are able to personalize. A museum, on the other hand, will be approa...
From Eco-topia to Eco-polis: A Needful Path to Real Reform
Güneri Söğüt, Gizem Deniz (2010-12-20)
The 21st century is witnessing a growing awareness on ecological problems related to/caused by our urban settings. This brings about a plethora of new utopian ideals envisioning alternative futures for these settings, picturing ecologically sustainable urban environments. Yet, we know that absolutist urban utopias which depict cities as ‘closed wholes’ proved either unrealizable or unsuccessful in the past centuries as they only gave very limited clues about how to get from the existing conditions of the ci...
From passion to laughter and back: four contrasting but compatible case studies
Alpakın Martınez Caro, Dürrin ( Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 1998-01-01)
Bağcı, Hüseyin (null, 2015-01-01)
From rapidly growing global cities towards slowing down: citta slow- Akyaka case
Gözübol, Hilal.; Ersoy, Melih.; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2019)
Rapid globalization has changed the city life drastically which resulted in searching for alternative city planning in the world. "Speed" concept began to be remembered side by side with people harming their surroundings and their standard of living. People are constantly seeking sustainable cities in an unending race to consume things fast. Their cultural values, social relationships with each others are under treat of vanishing. Henceforth, slow movement action has been taken immediately not to lose value...
Citation Formats
Z. M. Akkar Ercan, “From market places to place marketing spaces Changing inclusivity of evolving public spaces,” presented at the UIA 2005 Istanbul – XXII World Congress of Architecture (Cities: Grand Bazaar of ArchitectureS), İstanbul, Türkiye, 2005, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: